======================== #fedora-hubs: hubs-devel ========================
Meeting started by mizmo at 13:59:59 UTC. The full logs are available at https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-hubs/2017-09-12/hubs-devel.2017-09-... .
Meeting summary --------------- * Status Updates (sayan, 14:07:00) * abompard is working on the proposal for outreachy on developing hubs widgets (sayan, 14:09:32) * IDEA: monthly 2-3 office hours / hack session (like open stack) (mizmo, 14:13:29) * IDEA: bi-weekly hubs update blog (mizmo, 14:13:35) * IDEA: bounties for easyfix in hubs issues (mizmo, 14:17:16) * IDEA: quick PRs rather than large PRs (mizmo, 14:17:26) * ACTION: sayan to create the PR for the IRC work (sayan, 14:17:34) * ACTION: sayan to create a issue to track all the libraries (Python + JS) to be packaged (sayan, 14:30:44) * ACTION: mizmo to create easyfix bounties for hubs (mizmo, 14:33:37) * wait until after outreachy application period to do bounties so the bounty doesn't compete with an intern's project (mizmo, 14:48:12) * ACTION: abompard and sayan to discuss the widgets for the outreachy proposal, and draft the outline of the proposal (sayan, 14:48:33) * ACTION: sayan to create a etherpad page with the list of dates, and add it to the readme (sayan, 15:00:13)
* Open Floor (sayan, 15:00:37)
Meeting ended at 15:02:11 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * sayan to create the PR for the IRC work * sayan to create a issue to track all the libraries (Python + JS) to be packaged * mizmo to create easyfix bounties for hubs * abompard and sayan to discuss the widgets for the outreachy proposal, and draft the outline of the proposal * sayan to create a etherpad page with the list of dates, and add it to the readme
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * abompard * abompard and sayan to discuss the widgets for the outreachy proposal, and draft the outline of the proposal * mizmo * mizmo to create easyfix bounties for hubs * sayan * sayan to create the PR for the IRC work * sayan to create a issue to track all the libraries (Python + JS) to be packaged * abompard and sayan to discuss the widgets for the outreachy proposal, and draft the outline of the proposal * sayan to create a etherpad page with the list of dates, and add it to the readme * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * sayan (97) * mizmo (67) * abompard (22) * shillman (11) * zodbot (8)
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