Hello Adam,
Thanks for your interest in HyperKitty / Postorius!
We do want to offer a way to run HyperKitty alongside Postorius in the same Django system, and we want it to be as easy as possible, so your comments are very welcome.

- HyperKitty uses the top-level template directory (eg. it has a templates/base.html file), which is generally reserved for site-level templates.
- HyperKitty's base templates aren't broken up into blocks in such a way that they can easily be used to extend a different base template.  The base template defines both the overall page structure and various HyperKitty components, so it's impossible to, say, modify the navigation bar without replicating a large chunk of HyperKitty stuff.

I am not very familiar with Django conventions, so please feel free to point me to the right direction. Pull requests are even more appreciated!
- Moreover, both apps use the same view names in places.  For example, the HyperKitty user_profile page loads Ajax content from the "user_subscriptions" view, but Postorius defines its own "user_subscriptions" view that returns a full page.  The result is that if the main urls.py includes Postorius URLs after HyperKitty URLs, the HyperKitty subscriptions tab tries to load the Postorius page via Ajax and fails.

Do you recommend prefixing the view names?
- Postorius uses BrowserID authentication through social_auth, while HyperKitty includes a separate browser_id library

Yes, we are both migrating to the separate browser_id library, for security reasons.
I was hoping to get a sense of the big picture here before either filing a bunch of tickets or working on a pull request to try to address some of these.

Thanks a lot for your comments and your help!
