Ankit Patel <ankit(a)> changed:
What |Removed |Added
Flags| |needinfo?(mfabian(a)
| |m)
--- Comment #43 from Ankit Patel <ankit(a)> ---
Alright, so as I can hear it from everyone in the discussion here that "Let's
revert the changes back to it's original state" and then move on the
conversation somewhere else (maybe on the mailing list) and research/analyze
the data that's available to make the further decision.
Fabian, can you revert the changes now? (I can see that bugzilla is moved to
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--- Comment #42 from Siddhesh Poyarekar <spoyarek(a)> ---
(In reply to Rajesh Ranjan from comment #39)
> Siddhesh, this is a good data that 12% of urban users use computing devices
> other than English. You also know the current situation of computing in
> Indian languages, though several things happened but there are limitations
> and in these limitations also, 12% are using Indian language. That is not
> bad.
Agreed, not bad at all, but still not good enough to make it a default choice.
> See the rapid growth of e-Gov like things, see the changes going to happen
> towards computerisations of different depts, see the increasing use of
> computer in small towns/kasbas; days may not be very far when you can see
> the reverse stats for the same. So use of l10n is of futuristic nature and
> so my request.
Right and I have agreed with you all along that if/when we have data that shows
user preference for localized user interfaces (which is different from user
preference for localized content or a user's native language), we switch to
selecting localized interfaces by default.
Lets take this discussion to an appropriate mailing list so that we don't
clutter bugzilla with it. Please keep me in cc if you want me to chime in.
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Fedora Update System <updates(a)> changed:
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--- Comment #41 from Fedora Update System <updates(a)> ---
Package langtable-0.0.26-1.fc20:
* should fix your issue,
* was pushed to the Fedora 20 testing repository,
* should be available at your local mirror within two days.
Update it with:
# su -c 'yum update --enablerepo=updates-testing langtable-0.0.26-1.fc20'
as soon as you are able to.
Please go to the following url:…
then log in and leave karma (feedback).
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--- Comment #40 from Rahul Sundaram <metherid(a)> ---
> Rahul,
> Try to understand this is not the issue that one want Hindi to be a default
> language for whole India, I already told, better to choose a locale by
> region specific.
Yes, so until it is possible to be more granular, changing default language is
inappropriate. This is a technical limitation that must be addressed first.
>That English is having just an adhoc status?
The constitution using no such words.
> If number not matters, then what matters for choosing the same.
Noone claimed numbers don't matter but they should be interpreted
Also English
> is being protected unnecessarily by the few 'elites'. Why you are afraid of
> choosing a language of India as a default language? What big benefit Fedora
> will get by choosing English. Rahul, I feel here you are using this issue of
> language like a 'political' person :-)
That's amusing considering that you are using heavily loaded terms like
"elites" and "afraid" which sounds far more political than anything I said.
Please don't use bugzilla as a discussion forum and bring it up in the
appropriate mailing list if you want to discuss this further.
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--- Comment #39 from Rajesh Ranjan <rranjan(a)> ---
(In reply to Siddhesh Poyarekar from comment #34)
> (In reply to Ani Peter from comment #30)
> Again, speaking a certain language and using it on a computer on a regular
> basis are two completely different things. See slide 10 on [1] for example,
> which says only 12% of urban users use computing devices in any language
> other than English.
Siddhesh, this is a good data that 12% of urban users use computing devices
other than English. You also know the current situation of computing in Indian
languages, though several things happened but there are limitations and in
these limitations also, 12% are using Indian language. That is not bad.
See the rapid growth of e-Gov like things, see the changes going to happen
towards computerisations of different depts, see the increasing use of computer
in small towns/kasbas; days may not be very far when you can see the reverse
stats for the same. So use of l10n is of futuristic nature and so my request.
Just assume the case that every home is having a computer and then take
decision, you will feel something like us who favours an Indian language over
English. Hope you can understand it.
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--- Comment #38 from Rajesh Ranjan <rranjan(a)> ---
(In reply to Rahul Sundaram from comment #33)
> The languages story in India is far more complicated than assuming that
> everyone in a state speaks a particular language and contrary to the claims
> here, there is no such thing as a "national" language in India
> (
> article94695.ece ) and "official" languages include English and Hindi
> (
Try to understand this is not the issue that one want Hindi to be a default
language for whole India, I already told, better to choose a locale by region
specific. After the globalization of economy there is not any part of world
where you can find people speaking only one language. So respect the language
of majority and choose as per the location, like Tamil for Tamil Nadu, Marathi
for Maharashtra, Hindi for UP etc.
btw, Probably you will be aware of the fact:
That English is having just an adhoc status?
And why this department is running?
> A simple count of number of speakers doesn't by itself mean much in a
> country where technical communication is predominantly in English and
> language has often been used as a political device. If there are technical
> limitations on picking out more granular choices (certainly not a country
> wide choice), it might be useful to stick to whatever was the default
> before, discuss this in a mailing list and then make any changes after some
> consensus.
If number not matters, then what matters for choosing the same. Also English is
being protected unnecessarily by the few 'elites'. Why you are afraid of
choosing a language of India as a default language? What big benefit Fedora
will get by choosing English. Rahul, I feel here you are using this issue of
language like a 'political' person :-)
Rahul, just let me know if Hindi (though in practice I don't want only Hindi
for all the country and I see several have supported to use Hindi) is being
chosen as default what harm it will do to the people of India particularly to
'English' people. So, I am forced to call this demand of 'elitist' nature that
'English' Indian people is being annoyed if s/he sees Hindi or any Indian
language as a default. For me, it is not doing any harm though my mother speaks
When Fedora comes in a language, we can not treat it just a technical
communication. Till the date, census shows data that 'predominantly' Marathi is
used by the people of Maharashtra, I will demand to use Marathi as default for
the Maharashtra state and so on.
As Pravin wrote rightly, Fedora is the only OS that supports all 22 official
languages of India. It is one great USP of Fedora. Why not use it for the
promotion of Fedora?
Why do you want to paint the whole world with one colour? Please respect the
diversity and allow Our Fedora to follow as per the language of the mass.
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--- Comment #37 from Mike FABIAN <mfabian(a)> ---
(In reply to Ani Peter from comment #35)
Ani Peter> Also a kind request is that when an existing
Ani Peter> feature/setting (esp sensitive like this) receives a
Ani Peter> feedback or a bug get reported like this, ideally it should
Ani Peter> be taken up for discussion with wider crowd, language
Ani Peter> communities and decided upon concensus. It should not be
Ani Peter> that a bug is reported and change is done. That wrong
Ani Peter> approach is something that has made all feel bad.
Could you discuss this with the language community then and write
the result into this bug report?
Ani Peter> My point was when a bug is filed, deriving a conclusion and
Ani Peter> changing the setting without any discussion with wider
Ani Peter> crowd and its consenses (comment #2, #3 & #4) is wrong.
Sorry, I didn’t expect that there are different opinions about this.
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--- Comment #36 from Siddhesh Poyarekar <spoyarek(a)> ---
(In reply to Ani Peter from comment #35)
> You have taken me wrong completely here and jumped the gun. I never meant
> filing a bug report is wrong and you have to figure out localization team
> mailing list to open a conversation with them.
> My point was when a bug is filed, deriving a conclusion and changing the
> setting without any discussion with wider crowd and its consenses (comment
> #2, #3 & #4) is wrong.
Ahh OK, thanks for clarifying.
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--- Comment #35 from Ani Peter <apeter(a)> ---
(In reply to Siddhesh Poyarekar from comment #34)
> (In reply to Ani Peter from comment #30)
> > Also a kind request is that when an existing feature/setting (esp sensitive
> > like this) receives a feedback or a bug get reported like this, ideally it
> > should be taken up for discussion with wider crowd, language communities and
> > decided upon concensus. It should not be that a bug is reported and change
> > is done. That wrong approach is something that has made all feel bad.
> Why is filing a bug report the 'wrong' approach? You cannot expect every
> user to try and figure out the mailing list for the localization team and
> open a conversation with them for everything that they think might be wrong.
You have taken me wrong completely here and jumped the gun. I never meant
filing a bug report is wrong and you have to figure out localization team
mailing list to open a conversation with them.
My point was when a bug is filed, deriving a conclusion and changing the
setting without any discussion with wider crowd and its consenses (comment #2,
#3 & #4) is wrong.
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--- Comment #34 from Siddhesh Poyarekar <spoyarek(a)> ---
(In reply to Ani Peter from comment #30)
> Also a kind request is that when an existing feature/setting (esp sensitive
> like this) receives a feedback or a bug get reported like this, ideally it
> should be taken up for discussion with wider crowd, language communities and
> decided upon concensus. It should not be that a bug is reported and change
> is done. That wrong approach is something that has made all feel bad.
Why is filing a bug report the 'wrong' approach? You cannot expect every user
to try and figure out the mailing list for the localization team and open a
conversation with them for everything that they think might be wrong.
(In reply to Ankit Patel from comment #32)
> You might want to analyze the *facts* (not assumptions) posted/discussed in
> this bug and make your decision.
Again, speaking a certain language and using it on a computer on a regular
basis are two completely different things. See slide 10 on [1] for example,
which says only 12% of urban users use computing devices in any language other
than English.
I don't ask to go by that study because it is not necessarily representative of
the entire population - it has the known limitation of sampling only urban
computer users and their sample size of 65000 is not large enough to be
representative IMO. Look for facts like those when you're deciding on default
selections and not just a count of how many users speak a certain language
If you conclude that there are in fact no such studies that can be relied upon
then state that explicitly and then make a decision based on a fallback such as
overall language demographics.
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Rahul Sundaram <metherid(a)> changed:
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CC| |metherid(a)
--- Comment #33 from Rahul Sundaram <metherid(a)> ---
The languages story in India is far more complicated than assuming that
everyone in a state speaks a particular language and contrary to the claims
here, there is no such thing as a "national" language in India
) and "official" languages include English and Hindi
A simple count of number of speakers doesn't by itself mean much in a country
where technical communication is predominantly in English and language has
often been used as a political device. If there are technical limitations on
picking out more granular choices (certainly not a country wide choice), it
might be useful to stick to whatever was the default before, discuss this in a
mailing list and then make any changes after some consensus.
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--- Comment #32 from Ankit Patel <ankit(a)> ---
(In reply to Mike FABIAN from comment #31)
> So should I put Hindi on top again?
> I don’t really know, there seem to be strong opinions either way
> in this bug report. Maybe we should make a poll?
What if we don't get enough users to respond to your poll? So, running a Poll
is not that I can advise!
You might want to analyze the *facts* (not assumptions) posted/discussed in
this bug and make your decision.
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Mike FABIAN <mfabian(a)> changed:
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Flags|needinfo?(mfabian(a) |
|m) |
--- Comment #31 from Mike FABIAN <mfabian(a)> ---
(In reply to Ankit Patel from comment #29)
> We can't really make decisions based on a single user's (or group of users')
> reports, rather we should really research and analyze the data.
> Let's not assume anything when there's a market data, which I could see that
> you have done earlier.
So should I put Hindi on top again?
I don’t really know, there seem to be strong opinions either way
in this bug report. Maybe we should make a poll?
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Ani Peter <apeter(a)> changed:
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--- Comment #30 from Ani Peter <apeter(a)> ---
(In reply to Pravin Satpute from comment #26)
> Created attachment 930858 [details]
> Image of first screen.
> Mike you have done great job. I am really happy with the kind of result i am
> getting, almost all Indian language listed.
> There is no harm in having Hindi selected as first choice. It is just a
> matter of click.
> It shows in Fedora leadership in language computing. Fedora is only
> operating system to support 22 official Indian languages.
Exactly. I completely agree to this point and this was something I wanted to
mention from the moment I saw this bug. Here we are letting the user know :-
1. the list of languages available in Fedora and the language a user can choose
to continue the installation.
2. Being India the geolocation, there is no harm in Hindi being selected as the
first choice, being Hindi the official/national language. This is not doing any
harm to the user or the system until you click the "Continue" button.
3. This kind of an approach/setting will give the users the impression the
importance Fedora gives to native languages and thats a plus point for Fedora
compared to other distros.
Its just a matter of moving cursor to the preferred language, English or any
Also a kind request is that when an existing feature/setting (esp sensitive
like this) receives a feedback or a bug get reported like this, ideally it
should be taken up for discussion with wider crowd, language communities and
decided upon concensus. It should not be that a bug is reported and change is
done. That wrong approach is something that has made all feel bad.
Personally, I dont feel there is a need to change this beautiful language
feature which is existing from F19. Lets be as it is.
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Ankit Patel <ankit(a)> changed:
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Flags| |needinfo?(mfabian(a)
| |m)
--- Comment #29 from Ankit Patel <ankit(a)> ---
(In reply to Mike FABIAN from comment #25)
> According to
> Hindi has 258-422 million speakers which is more than any
> other of the Indian langauges.
> I did this for all languages supported by Fedora, looking at
> which language has the most speakers for a given territory.
That's good.
> But I can of course change that if users tell me they want
> something different.
Ok. There's a glitch here, I will try to explain in my comments further.
> But for India, English seems to be not an unreasonable choice because
> it is commonly used everywhere in India.
How do you know that English is not an unreasonable choice for India?
Rather how do you know that English is a reasonable choice for India?
OR how do you know that English is commonly used everywhere in India?
> Therefore, I think Siddhesh’s
> argument in comment#0 is understandable. Choosing English as the default
> is maybe more “neutral” for India than any of the Indian languages.
maybe not!
We can't really make decisions based on a single user's (or group of users')
reports, rather we should really research and analyze the data.
Let's not assume anything when there's a market data, which I could see that
you have done earlier.
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--- Comment #28 from Rajesh Ranjan <rranjan(a)> ---
(In reply to Pravin Satpute from comment #26)
> Created attachment 930858 [details]
> Image of first screen.
> Mike you have done great job. I am really happy with the kind of result i am
> getting, almost all Indian language listed.
> There is no harm in having Hindi selected as first choice. It is just a
> matter of click.
> It shows in Fedora leadership in language computing. Fedora is only
> operating system to support 22 official Indian languages.
Thanks Pravin. This is very imp point!
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--- Comment #27 from Rajesh Ranjan <rranjan(a)> ---
(In reply to Mike FABIAN from comment #25)
> (In reply to Ankit Patel from comment #24)
> But for India, English seems to be not an unreasonable choice because
> it is commonly used everywhere in India. Therefore, I think Siddhesh’s
> argument in comment#0 is understandable. Choosing English as the default
> is maybe more “neutral” for India than any of the Indian languages.
> In Future, it may be nice to make that more precise, i.e. add
> more data for more precise locations to langtable to make it possible
> to make Marathi the default in Pune for example.
> We don’t have to use that information of course, but it would be nice
> if langtable had that sort of information as well (which language is
> used mostly in which parts of countries). If such information were
> available in langtable, we could offer German as the default for
> Zürich in Switzerland than and French for Geneva in Switzerland,
> Marathi for locations in Maharashtra, ..., if we want to.
0.027% population of India think English as their native :…
Just to support “neutral” way, Hindi and other Indian language are paying the
If English is commonly used everywhere in India (a great myth created by the
few), then why data here is very different:
Why top 10 news channel, no English channel is present. The viewer-ship of
Hindi is 50 times that one English and all Indian language channels surpass
among top ten only one newspaper is of English language
Top 10 TV Soaps, no one from English.
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Pravin Satpute <psatpute(a)> changed:
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CC| |psatpute(a)
--- Comment #26 from Pravin Satpute <psatpute(a)> ---
Created attachment 930858
Image of first screen.
Mike you have done great job. I am really happy with the kind of result i am
getting, almost all Indian language listed.
There is no harm in having Hindi selected as first choice. It is just a matter
of click.
It shows in Fedora leadership in language computing. Fedora is only operating
system to support 22 official Indian languages.
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Mike FABIAN <mfabian(a)> changed:
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|m) |
--- Comment #25 from Mike FABIAN <mfabian(a)> ---
(In reply to Ankit Patel from comment #24)
> As one can notice, in my output "hi_IN" is first preference, while "en_IN"
> in Fabian's. I think it's mostly because of #comment 2, #comment 3 and
> #comment 4.
Yes, I used langtable 0.0.26 which switched the priority of Hindi
and English compared to langtable < 0.0.26.
> But my original question remains unanswered? How did you decide earlier that
> "hi_IN" was the most common? OR How did you decide now that "en_IN" is the
> most common one? Did you do any research/analysis or gathered any data
> points to make this decision?
According to
Hindi has 258-422 million speakers which is more than any
other of the Indian langauges.
I did this for all languages supported by Fedora, looking at
which language has the most speakers for a given territory.
But I can of course change that if users tell me they want
something different.
For Switzerland the default is German only because the number of
German speakers there is greater than the number of French speakers.
What else could I do? There is no common language for all of
But for India, English seems to be not an unreasonable choice because
it is commonly used everywhere in India. Therefore, I think Siddhesh’s
argument in comment#0 is understandable. Choosing English as the default
is maybe more “neutral” for India than any of the Indian languages.
In Future, it may be nice to make that more precise, i.e. add
more data for more precise locations to langtable to make it possible
to make Marathi the default in Pune for example.
We don’t have to use that information of course, but it would be nice
if langtable had that sort of information as well (which language is
used mostly in which parts of countries). If such information were
available in langtable, we could offer German as the default for
Zürich in Switzerland than and French for Geneva in Switzerland,
Marathi for locations in Maharashtra, ..., if we want to.
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Ankit Patel <ankit(a)> changed:
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| |m)
--- Comment #24 from Ankit Patel <ankit(a)> ---
(In reply to Mike FABIAN from comment #23)
> >>> langtable.list_locales(territoryId='IN')
> ['en_IN.UTF-8', 'hi_IN.UTF-8', 'bn_IN.UTF-8', 'te_IN.UTF-8', 'mr_IN.UTF-8',
> 'ta_IN.UTF-8', 'ur_IN.UTF-8', 'gu_IN.UTF-8', 'kn_IN.UTF-8', 'ml_IN.UTF-8',
> 'or_IN.UTF-8', 'pa_IN.UTF-8', 'as_IN.UTF-8', 'mai_IN.UTF-8', 'sat_IN.UTF-8',
> 'ks_IN.UTF-8', 'ks_IN.UTF-8@devanagari', 'kok_IN.UTF-8', 'sd_IN.UTF-8',
> 'sd_IN.UTF-8@devanagari', 'doi_IN.UTF-8', 'mni_IN.UTF-8', 'brx_IN.UTF-8',
> 'bho_IN.UTF-8', 'bo_IN.UTF-8', 'hne_IN.UTF-8', 'mag_IN.UTF-8', 'ar_IN.UTF-8']
> >>>
Alright, so I have a slightly different result on my Fedora 20
>>> langtable.list_locales(territoryId='IN')
['hi_IN.UTF-8', 'en_IN.UTF-8', 'bn_IN.UTF-8', 'te_IN.UTF-8', 'mr_IN.UTF-8',
'ta_IN.UTF-8', 'ur_IN.UTF-8', 'gu_IN.UTF-8', 'kn_IN.UTF-8', 'ml_IN.UTF-8',
'or_IN.UTF-8', 'pa_IN.UTF-8', 'as_IN.UTF-8', 'mai_IN.UTF-8', 'sat_IN.UTF-8',
'ks_IN.UTF-8', 'ks_IN.UTF-8@devanagari', 'kok_IN.UTF-8', 'sd_IN.UTF-8',
'sd_IN.UTF-8@devanagari', 'doi_IN.UTF-8', 'mni_IN.UTF-8', 'brx_IN.UTF-8',
'bho_IN.UTF-8', 'bo_IN.UTF-8', 'hne_IN.UTF-8', 'mag_IN.UTF-8', 'ar_IN.UTF-8']
As one can notice, in my output "hi_IN" is first preference, while "en_IN" in
Fabian's. I think it's mostly because of #comment 2, #comment 3 and #comment 4.
But my original question remains unanswered? How did you decide earlier that
"hi_IN" was the most common? OR How did you decide now that "en_IN" is the most
common one? Did you do any research/analysis or gathered any data points to
make this decision?
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Mike FABIAN <mfabian(a)> changed:
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Flags|needinfo?(mfabian(a) |
|m) |
--- Comment #23 from Mike FABIAN <mfabian(a)> ---
(In reply to Ankit Patel from comment #17)
> 1) What's the purpose of this component (langtable)?
> --> As per README file,
> """"""""
> Purpose of this package
> =======================
> langtable is used to guess reasonable defaults for locale, keyboard,
> territory, …, if part of that information is already known. For
> example, guess the territory and the keyboard layout if the language
> is known or guess the language and keyboard layout if the territory is
> already known.
> """"""""
Anaconda uses it to list the possible locales for a language
or the possible locales for a territory. Like this:
$ python3
Python 3.3.2 (default, Jun 30 2014, 17:20:03)
[GCC 4.8.3 20140624 (Red Hat 4.8.3-1)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import langtable
>>> langtable.list_locales(languageId='ta')
['ta_IN.UTF-8', 'ta_LK.UTF-8']
>>> langtable.list_locales(territoryId='IN')
['en_IN.UTF-8', 'hi_IN.UTF-8', 'bn_IN.UTF-8', 'te_IN.UTF-8', 'mr_IN.UTF-8',
'ta_IN.UTF-8', 'ur_IN.UTF-8', 'gu_IN.UTF-8', 'kn_IN.UTF-8', 'ml_IN.UTF-8',
'or_IN.UTF-8', 'pa_IN.UTF-8', 'as_IN.UTF-8', 'mai_IN.UTF-8', 'sat_IN.UTF-8',
'ks_IN.UTF-8', 'ks_IN.UTF-8@devanagari', 'kok_IN.UTF-8', 'sd_IN.UTF-8',
'sd_IN.UTF-8@devanagari', 'doi_IN.UTF-8', 'mni_IN.UTF-8', 'brx_IN.UTF-8',
'bho_IN.UTF-8', 'bo_IN.UTF-8', 'hne_IN.UTF-8', 'mag_IN.UTF-8', 'ar_IN.UTF-8']
The results are ordered according to what seems most likely.
For example when asking what locales are possible for German,
one gets:
>>> langtable.list_locales(languageId='de')
['de_DE.UTF-8', 'de_AT.UTF-8', 'de_CH.UTF-8', 'de_BE.UTF-8', 'de_LU.UTF-8']
The first is de_DE.UTF-8 because Germany (DE) is the biggest German
speaking country.
If one knows that the country is Switzerland (CH) one gets:
>>> langtable.list_locales(territoryId='CH')
['de_CH.UTF-8', 'fr_CH.UTF-8', 'it_CH.UTF-8', 'wae_CH.UTF-8']
So German is the most common language in Switzerland followed by French.
If one knows both the country and the language the result is
often unique, but not always:
>>> langtable.list_locales(languageId='sr', territoryId='RS')
['sr_RS.UTF-8', 'sr_RS.UTF-8@latin']
So for Serbian in Serbia we have two results because Serbian
can be written both in Cyrillic script (sr_RS.UTF-8) or in
Latin script (sr_RS.UTF-8@latin).
To make Tamil the default if the installation is done in Tamilnadu,
probably an API extension is needed.
We need to check what geoip actually returns when the IP is from
Tamilnadu. Does it return the state? Or a city? Or latitude and
longitude? All of this? The country “IN” alone is not enough to
decide. So if geoip returns more information than just “IN”, I can
probably add data to langtable and extend the API a bit to use this
additional information to get a more precise result of the most common
locale for that location.
But with the current state of langtable, we have have to choose
which language should be the default one for all of India.
The other languages returned by langtable.list_locales(territoryId='IN')
are still shown by Anaconda right next to the first one in the list,
but the first one is selected by default.
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Nilamdyuti <ngoswami(a)> changed:
What |Removed |Added
CC| |ngoswami(a)
--- Comment #22 from Nilamdyuti <ngoswami(a)> ---
In my view, an unnecessary fuss is being made out of nothing by debating over a
simple language selection. How does it matter which language is the default
selected language in the very first screen of Anaconda? Is it something
unchangeable or something that will break the system? No matter which language
is the default selection, a user can always select his preferred language from
the language selection list and the entire installation process will continue
in that particular language. Moreover, all the languages have their English
names alongwith their localized ones in the list, so a person irrespective of
any language or region can select the desired language. Above all, if this
really simple step of selecting the desired language is so painful, annoying
and an astronomically time consuming step and a language other than English as
the default selection hurts you so much, then I have got nothing to say.
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--- Comment #21 from Amit Shah <amit.shah(a)> ---
(In reply to Rajesh Ranjan from comment #19)
> So for the usability purpose whole world should use one language as default?
> You want to say like this. This analogy can be elongated to say that I can
> feel bad when I see anything other than English anywhere it annoys me. But
> have you ever cared a person who feel annoyed when s/he sees English.
> Please Try to understand, actually your suggestions kills usability. Please
> try to understand that treating English just like other language gives us
> (Fedora) an added advantage of supporting the diversity of the world at its
> fullest and as a Fedora contributor anybody should be proud of it whether
> one belongs to English, or Czech or Hindi or Tamil and any language.
> Otherwise don;t make default selection, let the user select, a level playing
> field for all user.
I'd like to discuss, but this bug seems hardly the place for this discussion.
Especially I'd like to read your responses to my questions / suggestions in
comment 13.
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--- Comment #20 from Siddhesh Poyarekar <spoyarek(a)> ---
(In reply to Ankit Patel from comment #17)
I'll answer some as bug reporter.
> 2) Is #comment 0 really indicate a Bug or RFE?
I filed it as a bug, or more as a regression from F18.
> 3) What was the prior research/analysis?
Releases before F19 selected English by default and allowed the user to choose
an alternate language. On the contrary the F21 installer selected Hindi and
allowed the user to choose an alternate language. While the collection of
Indian languages near the top is an awesome improvement, the default selection
seems arbitrarily chosen.
> 4) What should we analyze (or consider) now?
> --> Inputs from reportees OR
> --> bug watchers OR
> --> language experts OR
> --> usability experts OR
> --> combination of all these OR
> --> the actual data points that could be available?
I don't know and here is where the need for better data asserts itself.
Changing the default should have better data supporting the decision and that
data ought to be made visible. If analysis shows that Hindi is indeed a better
default for India then by all means, select it as a default.
(In reply to Rajesh Ranjan from comment #18)
> Sorry to say, but there are reasons for the same Siddhesh, may be not
> intentional but certainly unintentional! Still computer is under the reach
> of elites only, that is why the situation is like this in India.
... and laguage is not the barrier, it is the cost of a computer; you're
conflating two completely different things. In any case this is not a suitable
discussion for this bug report.
> Fedora should try to speak the language people is speaking in the region.
> And so for Maharashtra it should come Marathi first!
The change needs to be supported by reliable data.
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--- Comment #19 from Rajesh Ranjan <rranjan(a)> ---
(In reply to Amit Shah from comment #15)
> A safe default is a usability issue, rather than anything else.
> If I travel to the Czech republic, and suddenly if the default language
> selection is Czech, I'll be annoyed at an extra step to go before I proceed
> with the install.
> Similarly, a person traveling from Chennai to Pune for a FAD event (say)
> gets Marathi as default, he'll be annoyed as well.
> A safe default just ensures good UI and usability, rather than promoting any
> regional or language-based preferences (and least of all, shoving them down
> users' throats).
So for the usability purpose whole world should use one language as default?
You want to say like this. This analogy can be elongated to say that I can feel
bad when I see anything other than English anywhere it annoys me. But have you
ever cared a person who feel annoyed when s/he sees English.
Please Try to understand, actually your suggestions kills usability. Please try
to understand that treating English just like other language gives us (Fedora)
an added advantage of supporting the diversity of the world at its fullest and
as a Fedora contributor anybody should be proud of it whether one belongs to
English, or Czech or Hindi or Tamil and any language.
Otherwise don;t make default selection, let the user select, a level playing
field for all user.
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--- Comment #18 from Rajesh Ranjan <rranjan(a)> ---
(In reply to Siddhesh Poyarekar from comment #16)
> > There are comments like the above ^^ that says why they need Hindi. btw, I
> > never requested Hindi to be default, but certainly except for elites of
> > India, Hindi is better choice than English.
> It is borderline insulting to suggest that those who prefer English
> environments are elitists. I don't see why you need to use such language in
> a bug report.
Sorry to say, but there are reasons for the same Siddhesh, may be not
intentional but certainly unintentional! Still computer is under the reach of
elites only, that is why the situation is like this in India.
Just preferring English environments can not be termed of elitists nature, but
not accepting default locale on the basis of region can be seen by the large
volume of people of the region (may be they are not current user, but who knows
that they won't use in future) as elitist and so I am writing here to make
Fedora pro-people. Please try to understand, what one can gain by just pushing
English as default, I don't think anything except the person who wants English
need to do a click more.
Fedora should try to speak the language people is speaking in the region. And
so for Maharashtra it should come Marathi first!
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Ankit Patel <ankit(a)> changed:
What |Removed |Added
CC| |ankit(a)
Flags| |needinfo?(mfabian(a)
| |m)
--- Comment #17 from Ankit Patel <ankit(a)> ---
Some questions:
1) What's the purpose of this component (langtable)?
--> As per README file,
Purpose of this package
langtable is used to guess reasonable defaults for locale, keyboard,
territory, …, if part of that information is already known. For
example, guess the territory and the keyboard layout if the language
is known or guess the language and keyboard layout if the territory is
already known.
2) Is #comment 0 really indicate a Bug or RFE?
3) What was the prior research/analysis?
4) What should we analyze (or consider) now?
--> Inputs from reportees OR
--> bug watchers OR
--> language experts OR
--> usability experts OR
--> combination of all these OR
--> the actual data points that could be available?
5) How do other countries/languages handle this?
6) How should such requests (not bug) should be handled in a long run?
If we are able to answer all of these correctly and analyze them very well, I
think we may come closure to the solution we are seeking to achieve!
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--- Comment #16 from Siddhesh Poyarekar <spoyarek(a)> ---
(In reply to Rajesh Ranjan from comment #12)
> pre-selecting English is not a useful interim solution also!
Maybe not, but that has been the status quo and I only asked to maintain the
status quo.
> thousand of views are for video being viewed in Hindi.
> "i dint knew that the tutorials are in hindi as well...this is juz amazing
> thanks for your wonderfull work Sir now i can understand this even
> better..thanks much i have subscribed.. :)."
I never denied that localized content is popular. What we are discussing is
localized environments and not just contents, and there is a huge difference.
For India there are two problems in that space:
1. Localized environments are not popular enough to suggest them as default. A
very large majority of users still prefer using English environments, even to
access localized media.
2. There is no single localized environment that would be universally
acceptable as a default suggestion.
> There are comments like the above ^^ that says why they need Hindi. btw, I
> never requested Hindi to be default, but certainly except for elites of
> India, Hindi is better choice than English.
It is borderline insulting to suggest that those who prefer English
environments are elitists. I don't see why you need to use such language in a
bug report.
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--- Comment #15 from Amit Shah <amit.shah(a)> ---
A safe default is a usability issue, rather than anything else.
If I travel to the Czech republic, and suddenly if the default language
selection is Czech, I'll be annoyed at an extra step to go before I proceed
with the install.
Similarly, a person traveling from Chennai to Pune for a FAD event (say) gets
Marathi as default, he'll be annoyed as well.
A safe default just ensures good UI and usability, rather than promoting any
regional or language-based preferences (and least of all, shoving them down
users' throats).
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--- Comment #14 from Rajesh Ranjan <rranjan(a)> ---
(In reply to Amit Shah from comment #13)
> My view is that as far as defaults go, we should have safe defaults.
> For someone not familiar with Hindi (e.g. from the southern states of
> India), Hindi is a bad default.
> All the text leading to the language selection in the installer is in
> English. The live image itself boots into the GNOME desktop, and the 'Try
> Fedora / Install Now' stuff is in English.
> With the new UI, it's really easy to see the Indian languages being
> available in Indic scripts.
> It should also depend on the percentage of completion of the localisation
> for the language, maybe indicate in the installer that the language is 80%
> there, but some stuff may be rendered in English.
> For the bigger picture, I'd suggest we should have a way to start the
> installer in other languages based on kernel cmdline parameters, so the live
> image also boots into a localised version of the desktop.
> Also, if a user downloads the image from a localised version of the website,
> the localised version of iso should be offered. The current infrastructure
> doesn't support this, as far as I can see.
> I'd say for the majority of the population trying out Fedora in India,
> English would be the language of choice, rather than localised ones.
> Given all this, I'd say English is the safe default here.
I cannot support the theory of safe default. If IP comes from a language zone
Marathi, and if Marathi is displayed as a default what is the problem in having
the same. I never told Hindi should be the default for All India. And what is
the problem if the user who is installing Fedora would change the selection
from Marathi to English if he thinks to change (After all s/he is well English
Educated). On the basis of some so called current practice why we should ignore
the demography of India and its larger stats?
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--- Comment #13 from Amit Shah <amit.shah(a)> ---
My view is that as far as defaults go, we should have safe defaults.
For someone not familiar with Hindi (e.g. from the southern states of India),
Hindi is a bad default.
All the text leading to the language selection in the installer is in English.
The live image itself boots into the GNOME desktop, and the 'Try Fedora /
Install Now' stuff is in English.
With the new UI, it's really easy to see the Indian languages being available
in Indic scripts.
It should also depend on the percentage of completion of the localisation for
the language, maybe indicate in the installer that the language is 80% there,
but some stuff may be rendered in English.
For the bigger picture, I'd suggest we should have a way to start the installer
in other languages based on kernel cmdline parameters, so the live image also
boots into a localised version of the desktop.
Also, if a user downloads the image from a localised version of the website,
the localised version of iso should be offered. The current infrastructure
doesn't support this, as far as I can see.
I'd say for the majority of the population trying out Fedora in India, English
would be the language of choice, rather than localised ones.
Given all this, I'd say English is the safe default here.
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--- Comment #12 from Rajesh Ranjan <rranjan(a)> ---
(In reply to Siddhesh Poyarekar from comment #9)
> (In reply to Rajesh Ranjan from comment #8)
> > As a study of computer science, computing language in India (or elsewhere in
> > the world) can be English, that doesn't mean that anybody can file a bug to
> > change the default language and most importantly the bug can be closed
> > without any argument.
> >
> > And also when to choose based on IP, we can choose Tamil for Tamilnadu,
> > choose Hindi for the state Uttar Pradesh, Gujarati for Gujarat, Marathi for
> > Maharashtra and so on, what is the problem? India has diversity like whole
> > Europe, and we should support the diversity.
> Sure, India has diversity in languages, but today the fact is that majority
> of computing device usage is in English. Now if you're suggesting that
> pre-selecting a local language based on regions of the country may encourage
> users to use their local language then I won't disagree (even though reality
> is far more complicated), but pre-selecting Hindi is not a useful interim
> solution.
pre-selecting English is not a useful interim solution also!
Have you ever search like this:
thousand of views are for video being viewed in Hindi.
"i dint knew that the tutorials are in hindi as well...this is juz amazing
thanks for your wonderfull work Sir now i can understand this even
better..thanks much i have subscribed.. :)."
There are comments like the above ^^ that says why they need Hindi. btw, I
never requested Hindi to be default, but certainly except for elites of India,
Hindi is better choice than English.
But ideally region specific locale default setting should be encouraged. And so
I requested so!
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Ding-Yi Chen <dchen(a)> changed:
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CC| |dchen(a)
--- Comment #11 from Ding-Yi Chen <dchen(a)> ---
Perhaps modifiers like @pune or other region help?
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--- Comment #10 from Mike FABIAN <mfabian(a)> ---
(In reply to Siddhesh Poyarekar from comment #9)
> Sure, India has diversity in languages, but today the fact is that majority
> of computing device usage is in English. Now if you're suggesting that
> pre-selecting a local language based on regions of the country may encourage
> users to use their local language then I won't disagree (even though reality
> is far more complicated), but pre-selecting Hindi is not a useful interim
> solution.
Yes, and at the moment I do not know how pre-selecting a local
language based on the region could work. langtable currently only
has the country, IN, and no information about the regions.
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--- Comment #9 from Siddhesh Poyarekar <spoyarek(a)> ---
(In reply to Rajesh Ranjan from comment #8)
> As a study of computer science, computing language in India (or elsewhere in
> the world) can be English, that doesn't mean that anybody can file a bug to
> change the default language and most importantly the bug can be closed
> without any argument.
> And also when to choose based on IP, we can choose Tamil for Tamilnadu,
> choose Hindi for the state Uttar Pradesh, Gujarati for Gujarat, Marathi for
> Maharashtra and so on, what is the problem? India has diversity like whole
> Europe, and we should support the diversity.
Sure, India has diversity in languages, but today the fact is that majority of
computing device usage is in English. Now if you're suggesting that
pre-selecting a local language based on regions of the country may encourage
users to use their local language then I won't disagree (even though reality is
far more complicated), but pre-selecting Hindi is not a useful interim
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--- Comment #8 from Rajesh Ranjan <rranjan(a)> ---
As a study of computer science, computing language in India (or elsewhere in
the world) can be English, that doesn't mean that anybody can file a bug to
change the default language and most importantly the bug can be closed without
any argument.
And also when to choose based on IP, we can choose Tamil for Tamilnadu, choose
Hindi for the state Uttar Pradesh, Gujarati for Gujarat, Marathi for
Maharashtra and so on, what is the problem? India has diversity like whole
Europe, and we should support the diversity.
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--- Comment #7 from Mike FABIAN <mfabian(a)> ---
(In reply to Rajesh Ranjan from comment #6)
> (In reply to Mike FABIAN from comment #2)
> > OK, then I guess the default locale should be en_IN.UTF-8, i.e. like this:
> How can by "guessing" we can fix a bug?
You want en_IN.UTF-8 as the default locale if India is detected
by geoip, right?
If yes this patch will fix it.
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--- Comment #6 from Rajesh Ranjan <rranjan(a)> ---
(In reply to Mike FABIAN from comment #2)
> OK, then I guess the default locale should be en_IN.UTF-8, i.e. like this:
How can by "guessing" we can fix a bug?
> diff --git a/data/territories.xml b/data/territories.xml
> index 27f84af..e74a593 100644
> --- a/data/territories.xml
> +++ b/data/territories.xml
> @@ -9311,8 +9311,8 @@
> <name><languageId>zu</languageId><trName>i-India</trName></name>
> </names>
> <locales>
> - <locale><localeId>hi_IN.UTF-8</localeId><rank>400</rank></locale>
> - <locale><localeId>en_IN.UTF-8</localeId><rank>200</rank></locale>
> + <locale><localeId>en_IN.UTF-8</localeId><rank>400</rank></locale>
> + <locale><localeId>hi_IN.UTF-8</localeId><rank>200</rank></locale>
> <locale><localeId>bn_IN.UTF-8</localeId><rank>150</rank></locale>
> <locale><localeId>te_IN.UTF-8</localeId><rank>140</rank></locale>
> <locale><localeId>mr_IN.UTF-8</localeId><rank>130</rank></locale>
> @@ -9342,8 +9342,8 @@
> <locale><localeId>sa_IN.UTF-8</localeId><rank>0</rank></locale>
> </locales>
> <languages>
> - <language><languageId>hi</languageId><rank>400</rank></language>
> - <language><languageId>en</languageId><rank>200</rank></language>
> + <language><languageId>en</languageId><rank>400</rank></language>
> + <language><languageId>hi</languageId><rank>200</rank></language>
> <language><languageId>bn</languageId><rank>150</rank></language>
> <language><languageId>te</languageId><rank>140</rank></language>
> <language><languageId>mr</languageId><rank>130</rank></language>
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A S Alam <aalam(a)> changed:
What |Removed |Added
CC| |aalam(a)
--- Comment #5 from A S Alam <aalam(a)> ---
I think we need to discuss it further regarding. Not from Current prospective,
but future also.
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Bug ID: 838734
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
Severity: unspecified
Version: 17
Priority: unspecified
CC: i18n-bugs(a),
shawn.p.huang(a), tagoh(a),
Assignee: tfujiwar(a)
Summary: ibus(-anthy?) slow to startup/activate
Regression: ---
Story Points: ---
Classification: Fedora
OS: Unspecified
Reporter: petersen(a)
Type: Bug
Documentation: ---
Hardware: Unspecified
Mount Type: ---
Status: NEW
Component: ibus-anthy
Product: Fedora
Description of problem:
Not sure if it is ibus or ibus-anthy but at least ibus-anthy
these days often seems very slow to activate/turn on.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Activate ibus-anthy for first time in session say
2. start typing immediately
Actual results:
ibus-anthy takes some seconds to activate - often
resulting in my first input not getting converted at all:
eg just now I wanted to write "ありがとう”but actual
input was "ariがとう"...
Expected results:
"ありがとう" and ibus-anthy to activate immediately.
Ueno-san mentioned to me in another context that it might be
loading of ibus-anthy config that is the bottleneck.
Additional info:
This seems like a regression but maybe it is related
to upstream ibus not supporting preloading of IMEs?
Anyway not really sure why ibus-anthy should take so
long to start up.
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Mike FABIAN <mfabian(a)> changed:
What |Removed |Added
--- Comment #2 from Mike FABIAN <mfabian(a)> ---
OK, then I guess the default locale should be en_IN.UTF-8, i.e. like this:
diff --git a/data/territories.xml b/data/territories.xml
index 27f84af..e74a593 100644
--- a/data/territories.xml
+++ b/data/territories.xml
@@ -9311,8 +9311,8 @@
- <locale><localeId>hi_IN.UTF-8</localeId><rank>400</rank></locale>
- <locale><localeId>en_IN.UTF-8</localeId><rank>200</rank></locale>
+ <locale><localeId>en_IN.UTF-8</localeId><rank>400</rank></locale>
+ <locale><localeId>hi_IN.UTF-8</localeId><rank>200</rank></locale>
@@ -9342,8 +9342,8 @@
- <language><languageId>hi</languageId><rank>400</rank></language>
- <language><languageId>en</languageId><rank>200</rank></language>
+ <language><languageId>en</languageId><rank>400</rank></language>
+ <language><languageId>hi</languageId><rank>200</rank></language>
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Martin Kolman <mkolman(a)> changed:
What |Removed |Added
CC| |i18n-bugs(a)lists.fedoraproje
| |, mfabian(a),
| |mkolman(a)
Component|anaconda |langtable
Assignee|anaconda-maint-list@redhat. |mfabian(a)
|com |
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Bug ID: 1128912
Summary: With the new "rusle" table in ibus-table-cyrillic,
typing space works strangely
Product: Fedora
Version: 19
Component: ibus-table
Assignee: mfabian(a)
Reporter: stsp(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: dchen(a), extras-qa(a),
i18n-bugs(a), kent.neo(a),
me(a), mfabian(a), pwu(a),
shawn.p.huang(a), stsp(a)
Created attachment 925875
When using rusle table, space doesn't always work right.
I am attaching the text file where I was typing the random
letters and space. As you can see, space generated very
strange code sequences.
This is not happening always. Initially the space works
right, but, during the typing, mostly after punctuation
chars like . and , it starts to behave that way. After
some other punctuation char it can fix itself for a time.
How to reproduce:
1. Select rusle
2. Type something with spaces immediately following the
punctuation chars like . ,
Actual result:
space generate strange things sometimes
Expected result:
just a space
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Parag <pnemade(a)> changed:
What |Removed |Added
Flags|needinfo?(pnemade(a) |
|m) |
--- Comment #12 from Parag <pnemade(a)> ---
The bodhi2 interface is still confusing to me. However I have added you as a
committer for all the available branches so you can modify/commit packages.
I have also built new python-oslo-i18n-0.2.0 package which was simple just to
update the source in spec in F22 only.
Please fix the EPEL7 and any other branch. If need any other help please write
Thanks for correcting me about OpenStack release integration in Fedora.
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Jens Petersen <petersen(a)> changed:
What |Removed |Added
--- Comment #12 from Jens Petersen <petersen(a)> ---
Looks fine to me with Fedora-Live-Workstation-x86_64-21-20140820.iso
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Alan Pevec <apevec(a)> changed:
What |Removed |Added
CC| |pnemade(a)
Flags| |needinfo?(pnemade(a)
| |m)
--- Comment #11 from Alan Pevec <apevec(a)> ---
(In reply to Parag from comment #10)
> May I know what changes you want to do for this package? I can do that.
Hi Parag,
I'd like to co-maint oslo.i18n in Fedora to keep it aligned with the rest of
OpenStack packages. We (OpenStack packaging team at Red Hat) are keeping
OpenStack release tied to Fedora releases including all OpenStack specific deps
like oslo.*
I've also just removed OpenStack packges from EPEL6 because lifecycle and
backward compatibility of OpenStack releases do not fit EPEL guidelines.
That's why I also want to retire EPEL7 branch here and redirect EL* users to
RDO repos which are per OpenStack release.
BTW immediate task is to update oslo.i18n to 0.2.0 release.
Please approve my request in pkgdb and we can work
together on this package.
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Dan Vrátil <dvratil(a)> changed:
What |Removed |Added
Flags|fedora-cvs+ |fedora-cvs?
--- Comment #8 from Dan Vrátil <dvratil(a)> ---
Package Change Request
Package Name: oxygen-fonts
New Branches: f20
Owners: dvratil jgrulich ltinkl rdieter kkofler than
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Parag <pnemade(a)> changed:
What |Removed |Added
Flags|fedora-cvs+ |fedora-cvs?
--- Comment #13 from Parag <pnemade(a)> ---
Package Change Request
Package Name: tuladha-jejeg-fonts
New Branches: el5 el6 epel7
Owners: pnemade
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Parag <pnemade(a)> changed:
What |Removed |Added
Flags|fedora-cvs+ |fedora-cvs?
--- Comment #12 from Parag <pnemade(a)> ---
Package Change Request
Package Name: tharlon-fonts
New Branches: el5 el6 epel7
Owners: pnemade
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Parag <pnemade(a)> changed:
What |Removed |Added
Flags|fedora-cvs+ |fedora-cvs?
--- Comment #12 from Parag <pnemade(a)> ---
Package Change Request
Package Name: google-phetsarath-fonts
New Branches: el5 el6 epel7
Owners: pnemade
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Bug ID: 1129446
Summary: impossible to enter keyboard parameters from layout
switching applet
Product: Fedora
Version: 19
Component: ibus-panel-extensions
Assignee: extras-orphan(a)
Reporter: stsp(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: extras-orphan(a),
Description of problem:
It is very difficult to find the configuration
for layout switching. If I go to "Параметры источника ввода"
via layout switching applet, it says
"В параметрах клавиатуры можно изменить комбинации клавиш для переключения",
but it is not said how to get there, and no any shortcut.
Instead of the above silly hint I would recommend the
shortcut to the keyboard configurator.
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Bug ID: 1124463
Summary: [abrt] ibus-setup:
or: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_icon'
Product: Fedora
Version: 20
Component: ibus
Assignee: tfujiwar(a)
Reporter: felipe_clemente(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: i18n-bugs(a),
shawn.p.huang(a), tfujiwar(a)
Version-Release number of selected component:
Additional info:
reporter: libreport-2.2.3
cmdline: python3 /usr/share/ibus/setup/
executable: /usr/share/ibus/setup/
kernel: 3.14.4-200.fc20.x86_64
runlevel: N 5
type: Python3
uid: 1000
Truncated backtrace: 'NoneType' object has
no attribute 'get_icon'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/ibus/setup/", line 132, in
pixbuf = load_icon(engine.get_icon(), Gtk.IconSize.LARGE_TOOLBAR)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_icon'
Local variables in innermost frame:
renderer: <CellRendererPixbuf object at 0x7fa6e768ea00 (GtkCellRendererPixbuf
at 0xb226e0)>
icon_size: True
model: <ListStore object at 0x7fa6e76749b0 (GtkListStore at 0xe3b1b0)>
engine: None
it: <GtkTreeIter at 0xbaa700>
data: None
celllayout: <TreeViewColumn object at 0x7fa6e768b780 (GtkTreeViewColumn at
self: <EngineTreeView object at 0x7fa6e7674a50 (EngineTreeView at 0xe42540)>
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Summary: Keyboard layout selection drop down list needs to be more user friendly
Summary: Keyboard layout selection drop down list needs to be
more user friendly
Product: Fedora
Version: 17
Platform: Unspecified
OS/Version: Unspecified
Status: NEW
Severity: unspecified
Priority: unspecified
Component: ibus
AssignedTo: tfujiwar(a)
ReportedBy: apeter(a)
QAContact: extras-qa(a)
CC: tfujiwar(a),
Classification: Fedora
Story Points: ---
Type: ---
Regression: ---
Mount Type: ---
Documentation: ---
Description of problem:
In Ibus preferences, go to the Input Method and select the option "Show all
input methods", the drop down menu closes, and then need to click again on
"Select an input method" to view those input methods under "Show all input
methods" option.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Go to Ibus->Preferences and select "Input Method" tab.
2. Click on "Select an input method", you can find the "Show all input methods"
option in the drop down menu, click on this option.
3. You can see the drop down list closes and need to click again on "Select an
input method" to view lists under "Show all input methods" option.
Actual results:
Explained above.
Expected results:
When the "Show all input methods" is selected, without closing the drop down
list, other input methods must be listed.
Additional info:
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Mamoru TASAKA <mtasaka(a)> changed:
What |Removed |Added
Resolution|--- |NOTABUG
Last Closed| |2014-08-13 10:38:30
--- Comment #4 from Mamoru TASAKA <mtasaka(a)> ---
Okay.... looking at strace, I finally noticed that my system had "
/usr/lib/kbd/keymaps/i386/qwerty/", which does not belong to any rpms
in Fedora. I removed this orphan file, and now it is working. Thank you for
trying to debug this anyway.
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Mamoru TASAKA <mtasaka(a)> changed:
What |Removed |Added
Flags|needinfo?(mtasaka@fedorapro |
| |
--- Comment #3 from Mamoru TASAKA <mtasaka(a)> ---
Created attachment 926449
strace of loadkeys jp106 (refreshed)
First of all, I no longer use F-20, now I am chasing F-21 branch, so kbd is now
kbd-2.0.2-2.fc21.i686 .
And still $ loadkeys jp106 does not work ... please see strace.
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Bug ID: 1129452
Summary: keyboard layout wrong with rulse
Product: Fedora
Version: 19
Component: ibus-table
Assignee: mfabian(a)
Reporter: stsp(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: dchen(a), i18n-bugs(a),
kent.neo(a), me(a), mfabian(a),
pwu(a), shawn.p.huang(a)
Description of problem:
In layout switching applet it is possible to
graphically view the keyboard layout.
But when I view the layout of rusle, it shows
only the English letters.
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Vitezslav Crhonek <vcrhonek(a)> changed:
What |Removed |Added
CC| |mtasaka(a)
Flags| |needinfo?(mtasaka@fedorapro
| |
--- Comment #1 from Vitezslav Crhonek <vcrhonek(a)> ---
Hello Mamoru, is this still an issue?
It seems that it works fine with kbd-1.15.5-12.fc20. Actually it should work
since kbd-1.15.5-11.fc20, where I've added legacy keymaps subdirs to loadkyes
search path.
Can you please confirm it?
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Bug ID: 1127583
Summary: FTBFS: m17n-lib fails to build on arch ppc64le
Product: Fedora
Version: rawhide
Component: m17n-lib
Assignee: pnemade(a)
Reporter: pnemade(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: i18n-bugs(a),
petersen(a), pnemade(a)
Description of problem:
FTBFS on ppc64le arch in f22
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Fedora Update System <updates(a)> changed:
What |Removed |Added
Fixed In Version| |lohit-telugu-fonts-2.5.3-5.
| |fc20
Resolution|--- |ERRATA
Last Closed| |2014-08-09 03:32:08
--- Comment #5 from Fedora Update System <updates(a)> ---
lohit-telugu-fonts-2.5.3-5.fc20 has been pushed to the Fedora 20 stable
repository. If problems still persist, please make note of it in this bug
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Bug ID: 1120919
Summary: [abrt] ibus-table: 'ascii' codec
can't encode characters in position 1150-1152: ordinal
not in range(128)
Product: Fedora
Version: 20
Component: ibus-table
Assignee: mfabian(a)
Reporter: htl10(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: dchen(a), i18n-bugs(a),
kent.neo(a), me(a), mfabian(a),
pwu(a), shawn.p.huang(a)
Description of problem:
Version-Release number of selected component:
Additional info:
reporter: libreport-2.2.2
cmdline: /usr/bin/python3 /usr/share/ibus-table/engine/ --xml
executable: /usr/share/ibus-table/engine/
kernel: 3.13.10-200.fc20.x86_64
runlevel: N 5
type: Python3
uid: 0
Truncated backtrace:
#1 main in /usr/share/ibus-table/engine/
#2 <module> in /usr/share/ibus-table/engine/
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Bug ID: 1123981
Summary: With the new "rusle" table in ibus-table-cyrillic,
typing '%' shows ':' in preëdit instead of committing
it directly
Product: Fedora
Version: 20
Component: ibus-table
Assignee: mfabian(a)
Reporter: mfabian(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: dchen(a), i18n-bugs(a),
kent.neo(a), me(a), mfabian(a),
pwu(a), shawn.p.huang(a)
- Choose the "rusle" input method
- Type a %, one sees : in preëdit. It should be committed directly.
>From the rusle.txt table:
### Begin Table data.
@ " 0
$ ; 0
% : 0
^ , 0
& . 0
Only % causes this problem, all the other characters are OK.
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Fedora Update System <updates(a)> changed:
What |Removed |Added
Fixed In Version| |zanata-python-client-1.3.14
| |-3.fc20
Resolution|--- |ERRATA
Last Closed| |2014-08-08 04:41:07
--- Comment #13 from Fedora Update System <updates(a)> ---
zanata-python-client-1.3.14-3.fc20 has been pushed to the Fedora 20 stable
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Bug ID: 995838
Summary: [patch] add missing Russian Legacy layout
Product: Fedora
Version: 19
Component: ibus-table-cyrillic
Assignee: dchen(a)
Reporter: stsp(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: dchen(a), i18n-bugs(a)
Created attachment 785389
add missing layout
Description of problem:
Not all tables of xkeyboard-config are available for ibus.
Russian Legacy is missing, for instance.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual results:
Expected results:
Additional info:
Attaching the patch to add one.
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comments should be made in the comments box of this bug.
Summary: RFE: Request EPEL6 build of Canna.
Summary: RFE: Request EPEL6 build of Canna.
Product: Fedora
Version: rawhide
Platform: Unspecified
OS/Version: Unspecified
Status: NEW
Severity: medium
Priority: low
Component: Canna
AssignedTo: tagoh(a)
ReportedBy: steve.traylen(a)
QAContact: extras-qa(a)
CC: tagoh(a), i18n-bugs(a)
Classification: Fedora
I maintain xemacs in EPEL and I am interested in merging the current Fedora
version to EPEL 6.
One missing dependency is Canna.
I just checked and the "devel" version of Canna builds without any
modification on
Would you be willing and able to maintain an EPEL6 version of Canna?
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Bug ID: 1117732
Summary: ibus-hangul's setup option does not work
Product: Fedora
Version: rawhide
Component: ibus-hangul
Assignee: dueno(a)
Reporter: apatil(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: dueno(a), i18n-bugs(a),
pwu(a), shawn.p.huang(a)
I am using Fedora-Live-Workstation-x86_64-rawhide-20140702 with GNOME.3.13.3.
using g-c-c or ibus-hangul's setup option does not show any preferences window.
When i manually ran setup menu i got following error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/ibus-hangul/setup/", line 208, in <module>
File "/usr/share/ibus-hangul/setup/", line 43, in __init__
GLib.Error: gtk-builder-error-quark: Invalid property: GtkNotebook.tab_hborder
on line 21 (11)
[anish@localhost libexec]$ ./ibus-setup-hangul -help
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/ibus-hangul/setup/", line 208, in <module>
File "/usr/share/ibus-hangul/setup/", line 43, in __init__
GLib.Error: gtk-builder-error-quark: Invalid property: GtkNotebook.tab_hborder
on line 21 (11)
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Select ibus-hangul input method.
2. Using IME's menu or g-c-c choose its setup menu
Actual results:
Nothing happens
Expected Results:-
Setup option window should be visible.
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Bug ID: 1126245
Summary: mozc.spec shouldn't BuildRequires: openssl-devel any
Product: Fedora
Version: rawhide
Component: mozc
Assignee: tagoh(a)
Reporter: yukawa(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: i18n-bugs(a), tagoh(a)
Description of problem:
Mozc for Linux, OSX, Android, and NaCl no longer depends on OpenSSL since Mozc
r192 (1.15.1785.102)
Therefore BuildRequires: openssl-devel should be removed from mozc.spec…
> BuildRequires: openssl-devel libstdc++-devel zlib-devel libxcb-devel protobuf-devel glib2-devel qt-devel zinnia-devel gtk2-devel
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
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Bug ID: 1126120
Summary: Japanese sentence no not wrap correctly.
Product: Fedora
Version: 20
Component: man-pages-ja
Assignee: tagoh(a)
Reporter: takayuki988(a)
QA Contact: extras-qa(a)
CC: i18n-bugs(a), tagoh(a)
Description of problem:
Because Japanese sentence is processed as if it is western one word,
line break is not inserted in the sequence of Japasese chatercters.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. yum install man-pages-ja
2. LANG="ja_JP.UTF-8" man man
Actual results:
Layout of output manual is corrupted.
Expected results:
Japanese sentense line may break in sequence
to typesetting Japanese text correctly.
Additional info:
defines this rule.
man command works correctly when I append
".do mso ja.tmac" description to
I reported this bug
, too.
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Fedora Update System <updates(a)> changed:
What |Removed |Added
Fixed In Version| |pcaro-hermit-fonts-1.21-4.f
| |c20
--- Comment #11 from Fedora Update System <updates(a)> ---
pcaro-hermit-fonts-1.21-4.fc20 has been pushed to the Fedora 20 stable
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