The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:
Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your package will be retired when the affected package gets retired.
Package (co)maintainers Status Change =========================================================================== abakus orphan, cicku 3 weeks ago clucene09 orphan, group::kde-sig, 4 weeks ago rdieter, robert elfinfo orphan, pnemade 8 weeks ago glyphtracer orphan, pnemade 8 weeks ago golang-launchpad-go-xdg-v0 orphan, agoode 7 weeks ago greadelf orphan, pnemade 8 weeks ago lightdm-kde orphan, carandraug, 2 weeks ago cwickert, rdieter mkdst orphan, enslaver, ryan52, 5 weeks ago wtogami python-cement orphan, derks 7 weeks ago python-compositor orphan, fonts-sig, i18n- 8 weeks ago team, pnemade python-pytg orphan, sagitter 5 weeks ago python-robofab orphan, fonts-sig, i18n- 8 weeks ago team, jpokorny, pnemade python-ufo2fdk orphan, fonts-sig, i18n- 8 weeks ago team, pnemade qyoto orphan, elsupergomez, group 7 weeks ago ::kde-sig, jreznik, rdieter, than rmanage orphan, ashokdas, pnemade 8 weeks ago rubygem-Ascii85 orphan 1 weeks ago rubygem-fast_xs orphan 1 weeks ago rubygem-foreman_api orphan 1 weeks ago rubygem-github-linguist orphan 6 weeks ago rubygem-hoptoad_notifier orphan 1 weeks ago rubygem-mobileesp_converted orphan 1 weeks ago rubygem-robotex orphan 1 weeks ago rubygem-ruby-rc4 orphan 1 weeks ago rubygem-single_test orphan 1 weeks ago rubygem-ttfunk orphan, jstribny 1 weeks ago rubygem-xmlhash orphan 1 weeks ago telegram-cli orphan, sagitter 5 weeks ago trac-condfieldsgenshi-plugin orphan, adamwill 6 weeks ago trac-defaultcc-plugin orphan, adamwill, kevin 6 weeks ago vdr-sudoku orphan 6 weeks ago yumdaemon orphan, timlau 4 weeks ago zanata-api orphan, dchen, pahuang, 6 weeks ago seanf zanata-client orphan, dchen, pahuang, 6 weeks ago seanf zanata-common orphan, dchen, pahuang, 6 weeks ago seanf zanata-parent orphan, dchen, pahuang, 6 weeks ago seanf
The following packages require above mentioned packages: Depending on: qyoto (1), status change: 2017-02-27 (7 weeks ago) themonospot-gui-qt (maintained by: hman-it, mtasaka) themonospot-gui-qt-0.1.3-19.fc24.i686 requires mono(qt-dotnet) = themonospot-gui-qt-0.1.3-19.fc24.src requires qyoto-devel = 4.14.3-6.fc24
Depending on: rubygem-Ascii85 (22), status change: 2017-04-12 (1 weeks ago) rubygem-pdf-reader (maintained by: jstribny, pvalena) rubygem-pdf-reader-1.3.3-9.fc26.noarch requires rubygem(Ascii85) = 1.0.2, rubygem(Ascii85) = 1.0.2-1 rubygem-pdf-reader-1.3.3-9.fc26.src requires rubygem(Ascii85) = 1.0.2, rubygem(Ascii85) = 1.0.2-1
rubygem-pdf-core (maintained by: fale, jstribny, pvalena) rubygem-pdf-core-0.6.1-1.fc25.src requires rubygem(pdf-reader) = 1.3.3, rubygem(pdf-reader) = 1.3.3-1
rubygem-pdf-inspector (maintained by: jstribny, pvalena) rubygem-pdf-inspector-1.2.0-3.fc26.noarch requires rubygem(pdf-reader) = 1.3.3, rubygem(pdf-reader) = 1.3.3-1
rubygem-prawn (maintained by: fale, jstribny, pvalena) rubygem-prawn-2.1.0-2.fc26.src requires rubygem(pdf-reader) = 1.3.3, rubygem(pdf-reader) = 1.3.3-1
rubygem-prawn-table (maintained by: fale) rubygem-prawn-table-0.2.2-2.fc26.src requires rubygem(pdf-reader) = 1.3.3, rubygem(pdf-reader) = 1.3.3-1
rubygem-prawn-templates (maintained by: fale) rubygem-prawn-templates-0.0.4-2.fc26.noarch requires rubygem(pdf-reader) = 1.3.3, rubygem(pdf-reader) = 1.3.3-1
rubygem-tilt (maintained by: vondruch, ktdreyer, valtri) rubygem-tilt-2.0.5-2.fc26.src requires rubygem(pdf-reader) = 1.3.3, rubygem(pdf-reader) = 1.3.3-1
rubygem-asciidoctor-pdf (maintained by: fale) rubygem-asciidoctor-pdf-1.5.0-0.2.alpha.13.fc26.noarch requires rubygem(prawn) = 2.1.0-1
rubygem-prawn-icon (maintained by: fale) rubygem-prawn-icon-1.3.0-2.fc26.noarch requires rubygem(prawn) = 2.1.0-1
rubygem-prawn-svg (maintained by: fale) rubygem-prawn-svg-0.25.2-2.fc26.noarch requires rubygem(prawn) = 2.1.0-1
pcs (maintained by: cfeist, andyp, idevat, jpokorny, tojeline) pcs-0.9.156-1.fc26.i686 requires rubygem-tilt = 2.0.5-2.fc26 pcs-0.9.156-1.fc26.src requires rubygem-tilt = 2.0.5-2.fc26
rubygem-asciidoctor (maintained by: mojavelinux, fale, ktdreyer) rubygem-asciidoctor-1.5.4-2.fc24.src requires rubygem(tilt) = 2.0.5-1
rubygem-haml (maintained by: mmorsi, clalance, greghellings, kanarip) rubygem-haml-4.0.7-2.fc26.noarch requires rubygem(tilt) = 2.0.5-1 rubygem-haml-4.0.7-2.fc26.src requires rubygem(tilt) = 2.0.5-1
rubygem-org-ruby (maintained by: ktdreyer) rubygem-org-ruby-0.9.12-5.fc26.src requires rubygem(tilt) = 2.0.5-1
rubygem-rabl (maintained by: jstribny, pvalena) rubygem-rabl-0.11.0-4.fc26.src requires rubygem(tilt) = 2.0.5-1
rubygem-sass-rails (maintained by: vondruch, jstribny) rubygem-sass-rails-5.0.6-2.fc26.noarch requires rubygem(tilt) = 2.0.5-1 rubygem-sass-rails-5.0.6-2.fc26.src requires rubygem(tilt) = 2.0.5-1
rubygem-sinatra (maintained by: vondruch, domcleal, greghellings, jaruga, jstribny, mfojtik) rubygem-sinatra-1.4.7-3.fc26.noarch requires rubygem(tilt) = 2.0.5-1 rubygem-sinatra-1.4.7-3.fc26.src requires rubygem(tilt) = 2.0.5-1
rubygem-slim (maintained by: mzatko) rubygem-slim-3.0.7-2.fc26.noarch requires rubygem(tilt) = 2.0.5-1 rubygem-slim-3.0.7-2.fc26.src requires rubygem(tilt) = 2.0.5-1
rubygem-temple (maintained by: vondruch, jstribny) rubygem-temple-0.7.7-2.fc26.src requires rubygem(tilt) = 2.0.5-1
rubygem-tiltout (maintained by: ktdreyer) rubygem-tiltout-1.4.0-5.fc24.noarch requires rubygem(tilt) = 2.0.5-1 rubygem-tiltout-1.4.0-5.fc24.src requires rubygem(tilt) = 2.0.5-1
glusterfs (maintained by: kkeithle, anoopcs, balamurugan, devos, humble, jjulian, jsteffan, lalatendu, mrunge, ramkrsna, shishirgowda) glusterfs-ganesha-3.10.1-1.fc26.i686 requires pcs = 0.9.156-1.fc26
storhaug (maintained by: kkeithle, jarrpa) storhaug-0.13-4.fc26.noarch requires pcs = 0.9.156-1.fc26
Too many dependencies for rubygem-Ascii85, not all listed here
Affected (co)maintainers adamwill: trac-condfieldsgenshi-plugin, trac-defaultcc-plugin agoode: golang-launchpad-go-xdg-v0 andyp: rubygem-Ascii85 anoopcs: rubygem-Ascii85 ashokdas: rmanage balamurugan: rubygem-Ascii85 carandraug: lightdm-kde cfeist: rubygem-Ascii85 cicku: abakus clalance: rubygem-Ascii85 cwickert: lightdm-kde dchen: zanata-common, zanata-client, zanata-api, zanata-parent derks: python-cement devos: rubygem-Ascii85 domcleal: rubygem-Ascii85 elsupergomez: qyoto enslaver: mkdst fale: rubygem-Ascii85 fonts-sig: python-robofab, python-compositor, python-ufo2fdk greghellings: rubygem-Ascii85 group::kde-sig: clucene09, qyoto hman-it: qyoto humble: rubygem-Ascii85 i18n-team: python-robofab, python-compositor, python-ufo2fdk idevat: rubygem-Ascii85 jarrpa: rubygem-Ascii85 jaruga: rubygem-Ascii85 jjulian: rubygem-Ascii85 jpokorny: python-robofab, rubygem-Ascii85 jreznik: qyoto jsteffan: rubygem-Ascii85 jstribny: rubygem-Ascii85, rubygem-ttfunk kanarip: rubygem-Ascii85 kevin: trac-defaultcc-plugin kkeithle: rubygem-Ascii85 ktdreyer: rubygem-Ascii85 lalatendu: rubygem-Ascii85 mfojtik: rubygem-Ascii85 mmorsi: rubygem-Ascii85 mojavelinux: rubygem-Ascii85 mrunge: rubygem-Ascii85 mtasaka: qyoto mzatko: rubygem-Ascii85 pahuang: zanata-common, zanata-client, zanata-api, zanata-parent pnemade: rmanage, elfinfo, glyphtracer, python-robofab, python-compositor, python-ufo2fdk, greadelf pvalena: rubygem-Ascii85 ramkrsna: rubygem-Ascii85 rdieter: qyoto, clucene09, lightdm-kde robert: clucene09 ryan52: mkdst sagitter: telegram-cli, python-pytg seanf: zanata-common, zanata-client, zanata-api, zanata-parent shishirgowda: rubygem-Ascii85 than: qyoto timlau: yumdaemon tojeline: rubygem-Ascii85 valtri: rubygem-Ascii85 vondruch: rubygem-Ascii85 wtogami: mkdst
Orphans (35): abakus clucene09 elfinfo glyphtracer golang-launchpad-go-xdg-v0 greadelf lightdm-kde mkdst python-cement python-compositor python-pytg python-robofab python-ufo2fdk qyoto rmanage rubygem-Ascii85 rubygem-fast_xs rubygem-foreman_api rubygem-github-linguist rubygem-hoptoad_notifier rubygem-mobileesp_converted rubygem-robotex rubygem-ruby-rc4 rubygem-single_test rubygem-ttfunk rubygem-xmlhash telegram-cli trac-condfieldsgenshi-plugin trac-defaultcc-plugin vdr-sudoku yumdaemon zanata-api zanata-client zanata-common zanata-parent
Orphans (dependend on) (2): qyoto rubygem-Ascii85
Orphans (branched) for at least 6 weeks (dependend on) (1): qyoto
Orphans (branched)(not depended on) (33): abakus clucene09 elfinfo glyphtracer golang-launchpad-go-xdg-v0 greadelf lightdm-kde mkdst python-cement python-compositor python-pytg python-robofab python-ufo2fdk rmanage rubygem-fast_xs rubygem-foreman_api rubygem-github-linguist rubygem-hoptoad_notifier rubygem-mobileesp_converted rubygem-robotex rubygem-ruby-rc4 rubygem-single_test rubygem-ttfunk rubygem-xmlhash telegram-cli trac-condfieldsgenshi-plugin trac-defaultcc-plugin vdr-sudoku yumdaemon zanata-api zanata-client zanata-common zanata-parent
Orphans (branched) for at least 6 weeks (not dependend on) (17): elfinfo glyphtracer golang-launchpad-go-xdg-v0 greadelf python-cement python-compositor python-robofab python-ufo2fdk rmanage rubygem-github-linguist trac-condfieldsgenshi-plugin trac-defaultcc-plugin vdr-sudoku zanata-api zanata-client zanata-common zanata-parent
Depending packages (branched) (23): glusterfs pcs rubygem-asciidoctor rubygem-asciidoctor-pdf rubygem-haml rubygem-org-ruby rubygem-pdf-core rubygem-pdf-inspector rubygem-pdf-reader rubygem-prawn rubygem-prawn-icon rubygem-prawn-svg rubygem-prawn-table rubygem-prawn-templates rubygem-rabl rubygem-sass-rails rubygem-sinatra rubygem-slim rubygem-temple rubygem-tilt rubygem-tiltout storhaug themonospot-gui-qt
Packages depending on packages orphaned (branched) for more than 6 weeks (1): themonospot-gui-qt