#64: Fedora 25 planning
Reporter: pravins | Owner: i18n@…
Type: meeting | Status: new
Priority: major | Keywords:
Blocked By: | Blocking:
= phenomenon =
* Final freeze on 31st May 2016
* Final release on 14th June 2016
This is time we should start planning for Fedora 25. How to proceed?
* Thing we missed in F24, was in plan but no resource.
* New requests?
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/64>
Fedora Internationalization <http://fedorahosted.org/i18n/>
Fedora i18n Project
Hi All,
Fedora 24 already out :)
We had our second meeting on planning for Fedora 25 yesterday. Ticket
for discussions [1]
Changes planned:
*System wide*
- Unicode 9.0 (mfabian and pravins)
- CLDR sync with Glibc locales (tentative) (mfabian)
- System wide: Centralization of Hunspell (tentative) (anish )
*Self Contained*
- Multilingual ibus typing booster (mfabian)
- String breakage monitoring script (sundeep)
Other ideas without owner: Some of these might be process improvements.
* Improvements to anaconda layout chooser
* Listing out deprecated/obscure keyboard layout
* Revisit Zanata survey feedback
Let me know if there are any other ideas/improvements plan, we can execute
for Fedora 25.
Pravin Satpute
1. https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/64
#fedora-meeting: i18n
Meeting started by pravins at 06:00:41 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* agenda and roll call (pravins, 06:00:41)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2016-06-22
(pravins, 06:00:42)
* Fedora 24 is here with GNOME 3.20 -- download the open source Linux
distro now (pravins, 06:03:42)
* Fedora 24 shows off new visions of the Linux desktop, cloud, and
containers (pravins, 06:04:28)
(pravins, 06:04:30)
* Fedora 24 arrives with GNOME 3.20 and under-the-hood improvements
(pravins, 06:05:19)
(pravins, 06:05:26)
* Fedora 24 Linux Distribution Officially Released, Available for
Download Now (pravins, 06:06:14)
(pravins, 06:06:16)
* LINK: https://fedoramagazine.org/fedora-24-released/ (pravins,
* Upcoming schedule (pravins, 06:12:33)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/25/Schedule
(pravins, 06:13:25)
* 2016-07-05 Change Checkpoint: Proposal submission deadline
(System Wide Changes) (pravins, 06:14:03)
* 2016-08-09 Alpha Freeze (*) (pravins, 06:14:14)
* Only couple of weeks (5th July) for system-wide change proposals.
(pravins, 06:15:28)
* #64: Fedora 25 planning (pravins) (pravins, 06:16:11)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/64 (pravins, 06:16:11)
* ACTION: pravins to do review of Atomic workstation soon. (pravins,
* ACTION: mfabian will work on Change proposals for Multilingual
typing booster and Glibc CLDR sync. (pravins, 06:25:05)
(pravins, 06:27:55)
* ACTION: suanand to explore self-contained change proposal for string
breakage monitoring. (pravins, 06:31:11)
* ACTION: pravins to schedule 30min meeting next week for discussion
on F25 changes. (pravins, 06:35:39)
* #36: gnome redesign plans for control-center Region and Languages
(mfabian) (pravins, 06:35:51)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/36 (pravins, 06:35:51)
* ACTION: anish_ to explore on hunspell centralization project and
propose change accordingly. (pravins, 06:47:25)
* #63: Bug triaging activity post F24 Beta release (pravins) (pravins,
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/63 (pravins, 06:47:40)
* Open Floor (pravins, 06:48:24)
Meeting ended at 06:51:16 UTC.
Action Items
* pravins to do review of Atomic workstation soon.
* mfabian will work on Change proposals for Multilingual typing booster
and Glibc CLDR sync.
* suanand to explore self-contained change proposal for string breakage
* pravins to schedule 30min meeting next week for discussion on F25
* anish_ to explore on hunspell centralization project and propose
change accordingly.
Action Items, by person
* anish_
* anish_ to explore on hunspell centralization project and propose
change accordingly.
* mfabian
* mfabian will work on Change proposals for Multilingual typing
booster and Glibc CLDR sync.
* pravins
* pravins to do review of Atomic workstation soon.
* pravins to schedule 30min meeting next week for discussion on F25
* suanand
* suanand to explore self-contained change proposal for string
breakage monitoring.
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* pravins (121)
* zodbot (20)
* mfabian (7)
* paragan (6)
* anish_ (5)
* suanand (5)
* epico (3)
* juhp (2)
* tagoh_ (1)
* Satya (1)
* fujiwarat (1)
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#36: review gnome redesign plans for control-center Region and Languages
Reporter: petersen | Owner: i18n@…
Type: meeting | Status: new
Priority: major | Keywords:
Blocked By: | Blocking:
= phenomenon =
GNOME has plans to redesign Region and Languages in gnome-control-center.
I thought it would be good to have more of us look over this and review
so that we can provide early timely feedback on the planned design
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/36>
Fedora Internationalization <http://fedorahosted.org/i18n/>
Fedora i18n Project
Dear All,
We have i18n meeting tomorrow. Fedora 24 is getting release and
important topic for tomorrow is F25 planning. :)
Agenda is available [1] feel free to add missing topics.
1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2016-06-22
Hi All,
Main part of meeting was planning for Fedora 25. Please go through ideas
Minutes are as follows:
#fedora-meeting: g11n(i18n focused)
Meeting started by pravins at 06:00:09 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* agenda and roll call (pravins, 06:00:16)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2016-06-08
(pravins, 06:00:25)
* 2016-06-14 Fedora 24 Final Release (pravins, 06:04:21)
(pravins, 06:06:08)
* #36: gnome redesign plans for control-center Region and Languages
(mfabian) (pravins, 06:07:56)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/36 (pravins, 06:07:56)
* New topics (pravins, 06:10:02)
* #58: Prioritizing bugs for Fedora 24 release (pravins) (pravins,
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/58 (pravins, 06:10:08)
* ACTION: pravins to create new page for F25 Enhancement and will add
initial points for from F24 page with missed things. (pravins,
* #61: FTBFS bugs for Rawhide (pravins) (pravins, 06:18:04)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/61 (pravins, 06:18:04)
* #63: Bug triaging activity post F24 Beta release (pravins)
(pravins, 06:27:09)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/63 (pravins, 06:27:09)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/63 (pravins, 06:30:27)
* ACTION: pravins to share i18n bugs list with Satya (pravins,
* ACTION: Satya to update triaged bug list on ticket. (pravins,
* LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1331382 (adamw,
* #64: Fedora 25 planning (pravins) (pravins, 06:44:51)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/64 (pravins, 06:44:51)
* IDEA: String Breakage monitoring (pravins, 06:47:14)
* IDEA: IBus Typing booster multi-lingual (pravins, 06:47:21)
* IDEA: Need to think for string breakage monitoring
objectives/features. (pravins, 06:50:48)
* IDEA: Glibc localedata sync with Unicode CLDR. (pravins, 06:54:12)
* IDEA: Improvements to anaconda layout chooser (pravins, 06:55:02)
* IDEA: Listing out deprecated/obscure keyboard layout (pravins,
* IDEA: Revisit Zanata survey feedback (pravins, 06:58:18)
* IDEA: Fedora Atomic review from G11N (pravins, 06:59:01)
* IDEA: Centralization of Hunspell dictionaries (pravins, 07:00:11)
* IDEA: Introductory course for starting localization/i18n with Fedora
(pravins, 07:01:51)
* IDEA: LiveCD images (pravins, 07:04:18)
* IDEA: Langpacks using rpm weak deps (pravins, 07:06:06)
* IDEA: ITS for Gnome (pravins, 07:07:54)
* Most of the work on ITS for Gnome has been done. Not much for F25.
(pravins, 07:09:11)
* IDEA: Automatic testing (pravins, 07:09:18)
* ACTION: pravins to talk with Satya again on automated testing stuff.
(pravins, 07:10:03)
* IDEA: Description support of the configuration in fontconfig
(pravins, 07:10:11)
* Open Floor (pravins, 07:11:54)
(pravins, 07:15:06)
Meeting ended at 07:17:28 UTC.
Action Items
* pravins to create new page for F25 Enhancement and will add initial
points for from F24 page with missed things.
* pravins to share i18n bugs list with Satya
* Satya to update triaged bug list on ticket.
* pravins to talk with Satya again on automated testing stuff.
Action Items, by person
* pravins
* pravins to create new page for F25 Enhancement and will add initial
points for from F24 page with missed things.
* pravins to share i18n bugs list with Satya
* pravins to talk with Satya again on automated testing stuff.
* Satya
* pravins to share i18n bugs list with Satya
* Satya to update triaged bug list on ticket.
* pravins to talk with Satya again on automated testing stuff.
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* pravins (170)
* zodbot (18)
* anish_ (17)
* mfabian (13)
* paragan (10)
* suanand (9)
* Satya (8)
* juhp (5)
* adamw (4)
* ueno (2)
* epico (1)
* aeng (1)
* puiterwijk (1)
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.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
Hi all,
We have i18n focused meeting tomorrow. Since we did not had our EMEA
timezone L10N meeting last week, feel free to add important points from
L10N side for tomorrow's meeting.
Agenda is available at [1]
Pravin Satpute
1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2016-06-08