#24: Fedora 20 i18n docbeats ----------------------+------------------- Reporter: tagoh | Owner: i18n@… Type: meeting | Status: new Priority: major | Keywords: Blocked By: | Blocking: ----------------------+------------------- = phenomenon = it is time to think about updating i18n docbeats.
for references: i18n docbeats: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Documentation_I18n_Beat Schedule: http://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-20/f-20-docs- tasks.html Workflow: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_workflow_- _beat_writing Style guide: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_Style_Guide
#24: Fedora 20 i18n docbeats --------------------+----------------------- Reporter: tagoh | Owner: i18n@… Type: meeting | Status: assigned Priority: major | Resolution: Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | --------------------+----------------------- Changes (by tagoh):
* status: new => assigned
#24: Fedora 20 i18n docbeats --------------------+----------------------- Reporter: tagoh | Owner: i18n@… Type: meeting | Status: assigned Priority: major | Resolution: Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | --------------------+-----------------------
Comment (by tagoh):
picked up from the doc project meeting minutes. the draft of the technical notes are available.
http://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora_Draft_Documentation/0.1/html- single/Technical_Notes/index.html
#24: Fedora 20 i18n docbeats --------------------+--------------------- Reporter: tagoh | Owner: i18n@… Type: meeting | Status: closed Priority: major | Resolution: fixed Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | --------------------+--------------------- Changes (by tagoh):
* resolution: => fixed * status: assigned => closed