I'm using Gnome and would like to enter Greek into Open Office. Earlier I asked this on the Fedora list and got no replies. I believe this list is more specific to my question, and hopefully with generate some answers.
I installed a few polytonic Greek fonts (Aristarcoj, Code200, MgOpen, Tahoma). With these fonts I can view polytonic Greek in Firefox, and copy polytonic Greek from FireFox into Open Office.
I made a failed attempt at entering polytonic Greek by adding the "Keyboard Indicator" to the panel, then adding "Greek Polytonic" to the available keyboard layouts. When I selected "Greek Polytonic" as the input group I couldn't figure out any way to type breathings or any accent but acute (uses the semi-colon key). I noticed that the Keyboard Preferences dialog has a small graphic of the keyboard layout, but the graphic is too small to find the breathings and accents.
Is there a correct way to enter polytonic Greek?
Is there a way to get a printout of the current keyboard layout?
What keys map to regular breathing, rough breathing, iota subscript, grace accent, and circumflex accent?
PS. I love the way OSX does the dead-keys; it draws the character without advancing the cursor.
Schlaegel wrote:
Is there a correct way to enter polytonic Greek?
The xkb el keymaps seems to support polytonic Greek with deadkeys.
Is there a way to get a printout of the current keyboard layout?
Try "xkbprint :0 xkblayout.ps" say to generate a postscript file of the keyboard layout.
Hope that helps, Jens