(2014年08月04日 19:00), Ani Peter wrote:
jOn 08/04/2014 02:09 PM, Matthew Miller wrote:
apeter@redhat.com wrote:
Shall make use of this platform to spread about FLTG and get more testers :)
Yes! It might be nice to have a little article summarizing the i18n, l8n, and FLTG teams and their relationships. And how FLTG relates to QA in general, for that matter. For some reason the fltg list doesn't show up at https://lists.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo -- that's kind of weird.
Sure Matthew, will prepare an article soon
Ani, thank you so much raising your hand! I also will forward the mail to i18n which was not included in original.
Thanks noriko
Also, have sent mail to mailman to look into the matter, thanks for letting us know.
Best regards Ani