Hi Friends,
In last couple of i18n meeting we were talking about FAD. We had nice and successful G11N FAD in 2015. In that FAD we had participants from all G11N groups. But it also increased budget and getting approval and allowing all interested members were difficult.
To avoid this situation we are planning to have small FAD's from onwards. i.e. FAD for i18n, FAD for translations etc. It will help to more events over the year and continue momentum to whole G11N.
I have created page for i18n FAD. [1] Feel free to add your name there, it is specifically for i18n. Though location is not finalized but it will be mostly APAC also cant guarantee the travel budget to participants.
But one can always participate remotely for at least some sessions.
I will soon work with someone for Translation FAD proposal. I remember we had nice discussion with Zoltan, Jona and Jibec during flock 2016 for FAD.
Thanks, Pravin
Reminder for adding names.
- Pravin
On 28 February 2017 at 17:05, pravin.d.s@gmail.com pravin.d.s@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Friends,
In last couple of i18n meeting we were talking about FAD. We had nice
and successful G11N FAD in 2015. In that FAD we had participants from all G11N groups. But it also increased budget and getting approval and allowing all interested members were difficult.
To avoid this situation we are planning to have small FAD's from onwards. i.e. FAD for i18n, FAD for translations etc. It will help to more events over the year and continue momentum to whole G11N.
I have created page for i18n FAD. [1] Feel free to add your name there, it is specifically for i18n. Though location is not finalized but it will be mostly APAC also cant guarantee the travel budget to participants.
But one can always participate remotely for at least some sessions.
I will soon work with someone for Translation FAD proposal. I remember we had nice discussion with Zoltan, Jona and Jibec during flock 2016 for FAD.
Thanks, Pravin