#32: Fedora 21 i18n test day --------------------+------------------- Reporter: tagoh | Owner: i18n@… Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Keywords: Blocked By: | Blocking: --------------------+------------------- = description = i18n test day is scheduled at 2nd September. we may need to update all of the test cases to ensure those works on f21. This ticket is a tracker for them.
= recommendation/goal = We should finish checking by the meeting at 27th August.
#32: Fedora 21 i18n test day ------------------+--------------------- Reporter: tagoh | Owner: i18n@… Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Resolution: Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | ------------------+---------------------
Comment (by tagoh):
test day page copied from old one: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2014-09-02_i18n
#32: Fedora 21 i18n test day ------------------+--------------------- Reporter: tagoh | Owner: i18n@… Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Resolution: Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | ------------------+--------------------- Description changed by tagoh:
Old description:
= description = i18n test day is scheduled at 2nd September. we may need to update all of the test cases to ensure those works on f21. This ticket is a tracker for them.
= recommendation/goal = We should finish checking by the meeting at 27th August.
New description:
= description = i18n test day is scheduled at 2nd September. we may need to update all of the test cases to ensure those works on f21. This ticket is a tracker for them.
= recommendation/goal = We should finish checking by the meeting at 27th August.
#32: Fedora 21 i18n test day ------------------+--------------------- Reporter: tagoh | Owner: i18n@… Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Resolution: Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | ------------------+---------------------
Comment (by tagoh):
checked this one: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_i18n_input_method_setup with http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=7427022 for GNOME3 and http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=7427022 for others(XFCE)
#32: Fedora 21 i18n test day ------------------+--------------------- Reporter: tagoh | Owner: i18n@… Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Resolution: Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | ------------------+---------------------
Comment (by tagoh):
No changes in: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_i18n_browsers https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_i18n_font_application https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_Fonts_HarfbuzzNG https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Font_Configuration_Tool
even not containing any release specific steps.
#32: Fedora 21 i18n test day ------------------+--------------------- Reporter: tagoh | Owner: i18n@… Type: task | Status: new Priority: major | Resolution: Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | ------------------+---------------------
Comment (by tagoh):
checked https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_change_language on f21 live.
#32: Fedora 21 i18n test day ------------------+----------------------- Reporter: tagoh | Owner: i18n@… Type: task | Status: assigned Priority: major | Resolution: Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | ------------------+----------------------- Changes (by tagoh):
* status: new => assigned
#32: Fedora 21 i18n test day ------------------+----------------------- Reporter: tagoh | Owner: i18n@… Type: task | Status: assigned Priority: major | Resolution: Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | ------------------+-----------------------
Comment (by petersen):
We should remove https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2014-09-02_i18n/Results/Printing from the next Test Day or separate the printing tests out of https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_i18n_browsers : it is not good for test morale to repeat testcases. :)
#32: Fedora 21 i18n test day ------------------+----------------------- Reporter: tagoh | Owner: i18n@… Type: task | Status: assigned Priority: major | Resolution: Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | ------------------+-----------------------
Comment (by pravins):
Discussed on cleaning up "nice to test" bugs which are irrelevant now.
#32: Fedora 21 i18n test day ------------------+----------------------- Reporter: tagoh | Owner: i18n@… Type: task | Status: assigned Priority: major | Resolution: Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | ------------------+-----------------------
Comment (by tagoh):
will summarize the result by next meeting.
#32: Fedora 21 i18n test day ------------------+----------------------- Reporter: tagoh | Owner: i18n@… Type: task | Status: assigned Priority: major | Resolution: Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | ------------------+-----------------------
Comment (by tagoh):
Result summary for f21 i18n test days. the legend, bold means new from this test days compared to the past:
* Input (overall) * The number of attendees: 9 (-6) * The number of tested languages: 6 (-4) * bn-IN, '''hi-IN''', ja-JP, '''ko-KR''', mr-IN, zh-CN (missed general, as-IN, or-IN, pa-IN, ta-IN, te-IN) * No issues reported
* Input (language-specific) * The number of attendees: 5 (-7) * The number of tested languages: 5 (-4) * bn-IN, ja-JP, ko-KR, '''mr-IN''', zh-CN (missed as-IN, or-IN, ta-IN, te-IN, zh-TW) * No issues reported
* Rendering * The number of attendees: 7 (-2) * The number of tested languages: 5 (-2) * bn-IN, '''hi-IN''', ja-JP, mr-IN, zh-CN (missed as-IN, ta-IN, te-IN) * Issues reported * https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=635961 (not NEW) * https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=501414 (not NEW)
* Printing * The number of attendees: 5 (-3) * The number of tested languages: 5 (-1) * '''bn-IN''', '''hi-IN''', ja-JP, mr-IN, zh-CN (missed as-IN, ta-IN, te-IN) * No issues reported
* Other * The number of attendees: 5 (0) * The number of tested languages: '''bn-IN''', ja-JP, '''mr-IN''', zh-CN (missed as-IN, ta-IN) * Issues reported * https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1136172 * https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1136177
#32: Fedora 21 i18n test day ------------------+--------------------- Reporter: tagoh | Owner: i18n@… Type: task | Status: closed Priority: major | Resolution: fixed Keywords: | Blocked By: Blocking: | ------------------+--------------------- Changes (by pravins):
* resolution: => fixed * status: assigned => closed
Thanks Tagoh for summarizing report. It will be very helpful for our next test day event. Closing. please reopen if any more issues.