Hey guys,
I'm really interested in this spin. I'm running the standard GNOME desktop now, but I've been looking to switch to i3 and this spin presents the perfect opportunity. I looked at the current list of packages to be included in this spin (https://pagure.io/i3-sig/Fedora-i3-Spin/blob/master/f/fedora-i3-common.ks#_1...), and I have a few questions:
First, can someone explain what "dex-autostart" and "gnome-keyring-pam" do? I googled around a bit, but couldn't really figure it out. Why are these programs included in the default install?
If I understand correctly, azote and pavucontrol essentially provide graphical interfaces that replicate the functionality of simpler command-line programs like feh and alsamixer. Is that correct?
Does brightlight work only on laptops, or also on desktops?
On a separate note, perhaps you guys should consider including redshift (https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Redshift), which is widely used by i3 users to help control the color temperature of their screens. A similar functionality is built into recent versions of GNOME, and I am a huge fan.