Hi Jun,

Thanks for taking this task.

El jue, 11 mar 2021 a las 6:33, Jun Aruga (<jaruga@redhat.com>) escribió:
> If you can provide the text of i3 SIG, and which section (2.NN) do you
> like to put the text on the page, I can add the text.

The text is up to you, we have our docs [1] where you can have an idea of what we do.

I noticed the list of SIG is sorted by dictionary order of the SIG name.
So, possibly the i3 section is after "2.23 GraphQL", and before "2.24
Independent Software Vendor (ISV)", and the title is "I3" with capital
or the section is after "2.24 Independent Software Vendor (ISV)" and
before "2.25 Java", the title is "i3" with lower case letter.

I think it fits after ISV, since the developers use and insist on people to use "i3" with lower cases. It's their software, and they should be allowed to call it as they want.

Jun | He - His - Him

Again, thanks for taking this task.


Eduard Lucena
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