A few days back the students from 1st and 2nd Year MSc (C.A.) at Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies and Research(SICSR) invited one of us from Red Hat to conduct a guest lecture for which I volunteered. This talk was held on Mon, 11 Aug 2008. The topic was -- An Introduction to open source software.
There were some 60 odd students who had a general awareness of linux and open source, so it was easy to talk to them. The Master's course at SICSR apparently has a few electives which are designed around OSS and as such the institute itself is very OSS friendly (after all Harshad Gune, one of the elected board members of OSI, is a lecturer at SICSR !).
Although the talk was supposed to last for an hour, I overshot it by almost 40mins. (I am lousy at presentations !). The bright side is, we didn't hear any snoring (at least not discernible !). Most of the kids were pretty enthusiastic and we had some animated discussion about the merits of OSS, the business models, the challenges OSS faces and other randomness.
The response were quite nice and I am sure I managed to sell OSS and a bit of Fedora to at least some of the more impressionable minds in the audience :) !
Anyways, the slides for the talk (the original .odp as well as the .pdf) are attached to this mail. Hope someone finds them useful (Surprisingly, I did not find much in way of slides or presentations through google for real basic introduction to OSS -- so hope this gets picked up eventually).
- steve