okay..ill do that... thank you..

--- On Mon, 7/7/08, "Sankarshan (সঙ্কর্ষণ)" <foss.mailinglists@gmail.com> wrote:
From: "Sankarshan (সঙ্কর্ষণ)" <foss.mailinglists@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: That 'FUDCon' thing
To: sanjay_ankur@yahoo.co.in
Cc: debarshi.ray@gmail.com, fedora-india@redhat.com
Date: Monday, 7 July, 2008, 11:57 AM

ankur sinha wrote:
> ive already been here.. Im currently a "people person"
associated with 
> the ambassadors, free-media and local contacts..thats all my current 
> knowledge can permit.. basically why i asked you all how i could 
> contribute.. how do you begin learning development etc?? I started with 
> C as advised on fedoraforum.org.. what else do i need to start with??

If IRC is an option for you, you might want to join #fedora-india on 
Freenode and talk this through with Debarshi and others.


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