On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 12:51 PM, sankarshan wrote:

Even if the talks and hackfests go through a barcamp-style selection
and are whittled down by a few, considering 150 attendees is probably
fairly on the lower side.

The venue can probably accommodate more but the swag cut off point (http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon_organization_process#Swag_cutoff) is needed to limit the costs on goodies, lunch etc.  The budget estimates in the FUDCon India wiki has more details.  We have calculated the initial budget based on 120 (including about 50 speakers) as the swag cut off and 250 as the expected total number of attendees.  Probably very low estimates but these are the numbers we are working with at this point. 
