On 8/20/2010 6:00 PM, pavithran wrote:
On 18 August 2010 21:33, arpit Aggarwalarpit07531@gmail.com wrote:
We are extremely sorry for the inconvenience. There was some technical error with the mirror which has been successfully resolved.
Hey Thanks for looking into it . :)
The mirror will be working fine within hours. Please report if somebody stiff faces any error.
Unfortunately there is still an issue . It might be because of rawhide
ftp://fedora.glug-nith.org/linux/development/rawhide/i386/os/Packages/NetworkManager-glib-0.8.1-4.git20100817.fc15.i686.rpm: [Errno 12] Timeout on ftp://fedora.glug-nith.org/linux/development/rawhide/i386/os/Packages/NetworkManager-glib-0.8.1-4.git20100817.fc15.i686.rpm: (28, '') Trying other mirror.
The request went from India to japan and it started downloading from ftp.jaist.ac.jp
Which is the fastest and reliable mirror for India ?
Regards, pavithran
We have started to mirror the development branch for our mirror @ http://fedoramirror.hnsdc.com You should see it online in a day or so.
regards Ripunjay Bararia Honesty Net Solutions (I) Pvt Ltd Mumbai, INDIA www.hns.net.in