Hi susmit

For India, we have only 28 pending requests.

If you take even one request, we can easily fulfil all.
Will you please take it up?
well there were 5 requests from jaipur and i've accepted all of them and sent a mail to the requesters asking them to maybe meet me personally to get the media or maybe suggest something. I thought this to be better than simply sending it over to their respective address as this would give a chance to meet them and also because i've seen that some times they are new to linux/fedora and needs some help regarding the same.
But i havent got any reply from anyone accept one, who has just replied stating that he is busy right now and will be for quite some time now, so i told him to get media from me whenever he can.
Also since jaipur is a small city i think giving the media in person is better than simply posting it, until some one asks me to post it otherwise.

So i guess i'm closing one ticket, who has mailed me for the moment.

My web home http://acedip.in
Linux Users Group Jaipur http://lugj.in
Version: 3.1
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