I write to you on behalf of the OSScamp Pantnagar community, which is organising OSScamp Pantnagar February 2009 (Jan 31-Feb 1 2009) at the College of Technology, GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand.
OSScamp is a series of community-driven unconferences with a specific aim to promote FOSS implementation and development in India. They are a premier FOSS event in India, drawing people from all wakes of technology, from all across the globe. The unconference is organised with the objectives of promoting indigenous FOSS development from India and is a very suitable paltform for the same considering the participants are from the developers/student/user domain.
Join over 250 FOSS enthusiasts - geeks and geeks-to-be at OSScamp Pantnagar to discuss everything open source: the technology, the platforms, projects and development, or simply fuss the FOSS. Dont forget to bring along your project/demo; talk about it, scream about it, sing about it.
Come to Pantnagar to celebrate technology and inhale nature.
For more details, visit:http://pantnagar.osscamp.in For an introduction to OSScamps:http://osscamp.in/introduction