I have the xferlog scripts in place to test on bastion. I have placed
xferlogarchive.py and ArchiveEmail.py in /var/fedora-accounts on
bastion. Also, I added the procmailrc recipe:
* ^TO.*download-logs(a)(fedora.redhat.com|fedoraproject.org)
| /var/fedora-accounts/xferlogarchive.py
to /var/fedora-accounts/.procmailrc
The last thing I did is create the directory /var/xferlogarchive to store
the xferlog emails in for the time being until we can get some space on
the netappailance.
(I will followup with Stacy Brandenburg and Matt Galgoci to see about the
netapp space.)
I still need to check in the changes to the .procmailrc file and the two
scripts. I currently do not have write access to the fedora-accounts
module for the .procmailrc file. The two scripts I was not sure where I
should stick them in the fedora-config module. Do you want to stick in
the top most directory or should they go in some other subdirectory?
Jason Hartley