On Feb 8, 2008 11:33 AM, Mike McGrath mmcgrath@redhat.com wrote:
So I spent some time last night and produced this:
It's worth noting that the upgrade from Moin1.5.8 -> Moin 1.6.1 took longer then going from Moin 1.5.8 to the mediawiki install above. There's still some work to be done (especially a theme). But I think the conversion to mediawiki is much closer to us now then ever before if we decide to go this route.
Question 1, do we want to try this conversion?
Question 2, Who is willing to take orders from me with regards to getting a new template done? (by orders I basically just mean do this, this is broken, this header didn't come out, we need a css fix here). Just something functional so it can be presented to the rest of the project and ultimately redesigned for a crisp look and feel?
Question 3, I did a brief look, there's a lot of stuff that's broken, mostly tables. Does anyone see anything that came out completely un-recognized? I'm especially referring to the translated pages.
This is a very rough conversion, but it did convert, most of the text is there, formatting needs work. I'm still working on the script so send any suggestions / comments my way.
Here is my two cents for Moin vs MediaWiki. I don't mind migration to MediaWiki since I'm alread familar with it. However, MediaWiki requires MySQL database so it's a bit complex than Moin. I'm currently in the process of migration fedoranews.org to new server and encounting some issues with exporting and importing database. Anyway, that's my two cents. :)