Hi there every one ... I'm new to the fedoraproject infrastructure.
I'll present my self in a few words:

My name is Bogdan, I'm from Romania but I live in Switzerland. I'm a junior system administrator UNIX/LINUX and work for the state where I live. I'm 26 years old. My work consists in maintaining RedHat & Solaris systems. I hope to assist you as much as I can, and I'd like to be more involved in the Fedora adventure.

Thank you all.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <infrastructure-request@lists.fedoraproject.org>
Date: 2010/11/26
Subject: confirm e1fb36078368f495b125e001360771cf2a03fe53
To: theboogymaster@gmail.com
Mailto: TheBoogyMaster@gmail.com
Website: http://www.linux-hack.org