On Fri, 6 Mar 2020 at 23:20, Kevin Fenzi <kevin@scrye.com> wrote:
On Wed, Mar 04, 2020 at 04:42:12PM +0100, Clement Verna wrote:
> Hi all,
> Last week during our weekly meeting we have discuss trying to better
> prioritize our work and tickets. In order to do that we are going to try to
> use a "yummy vs trouble" [1] index and use a prioritization matrix [0] to
> order our work.
> Yummy representing the added value or benefit of a task and Trouble
> representing how much effort it would take to complete the task. Each
> property being either small, medium or large.
> Starting this week, I ll send a email with a list of 5 tickets from our
> backlog [1], asking opinions about each tickets yummy and trouble level. We
> can use this weekly email to ask questions or provide more context. We will
> then update these tickets with the outcome of the discussion, in case of
> strong disagreement we can use our weekly IRC meeting to make decision.
> This will hopefully help us focus on items that provides a high value to
> our community and also provide a way for everyone to participate in this
> prioritization.

Sounds good.

For things on pagure at least, the best way I can see to codify this is
to make some more tags (yeah, I know we have a bunch already).

Something like:


Then, we tag the things we discussed and can search on tags:

low-trouble + high-gain -> do these first
high-trouble + low-gaiin -> try and see if we can WONTFIX these

Sounds good to me :-)

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