👏 congrats darknao!

On Mon, 24 Jul 2023 at 21:20, Kevin Fenzi <kevin@scrye.com> wrote:
I'm happy to announce that We have approved a new member in our
sysadmin-main group:

darknao - Francois Andrieu

This is the core group of trusted folks that high level access to most
everything in fedora infrastructure.

Francois has done of ton of things around Fedora infrastructure. From
helping manage our OpenShift clusters, to revamping how our docs and
websites are built and deployed, to just helping anyone with issues all

He has proved his dedication, trustworthiness, and ability.


Use your powers for good! :)

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David Kirwan
Senior Software Engineer

Community Platform Engineering @ Red Hat

T: +(353) 86-8624108