Few things from my head:
* Support for simply adding new messaging scheme, so there is no need to rewrite the application each time something new wants to be added.
* Subscriptions to topic with filters, this will be probably limited by provided scheme.
* Web interface for users (could be something similar to what we have right now), where they could subscribe, unsubscribe from topics.

About the communication channels, for me e-mails are enough, but it will be good to provide a way to add new channel if needed.


On 26/02/2020 08:26, Clement Verna wrote:
Hi all,

FMN (https://apps.fedoraproject.org/notifications) is currently one of the main blocking point for dropping fedmsg in favour of fedora-messaging.
FMN is quite important to the community and the composition of Fedora because it gives emails and notifications on commits, composes, builds and updates via email and other tools.

However, the code base is written in Python 2.7 and not maintained anymore. Currently the service has to run on a Fedora 28 system to continue running. This causes multiple problems and concerns, and needs to be addressed before the datacenter move in June.

In order to start putting together a specification for a replacement, we should try to look at the minimum requirements for a notification system. For example the current system supports sending notifications to IRC, emails and SSE (Server Sent Event), Can we live without SSE ? Can we live without IRC ? Do we need it to monitor everything it does currently or just a subset of items that the community has found useful.

Let's use this thread to brainstorm ideas on what we need.

Thanks all

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Role: Fedora CPE Team - Software Engineer
IRC: mkonecny
FAS: zlopez