Hi infrastructure wranglers,
(cc transifex-devel)
Over the last few months, a few of us involved in Red Hat L10N engineering have discussed how to best ensure we have Localisation Infrastructure and Tools that can serve the needs of Red Hat, JBoss, Fedora and 'upstream' communities in years to come. Let me first describe some of the background and requirements behind this project:
Up until now, we have managed translations through version control systems such as CVS, Svn and Git. This has ensured that all contributions are pushed upstream, as we always store translations within the upstream repositories and projects. 'Damned Lies' further gave us a tool to view language-specific translation statistics for modules, branches and releases, as well as convenient information about people, teams and projects. This has been a great help for translators in their work. Dimitris' (and others) work on Transifex has in addition given the translation community a way to submit translations upstream without ever touching a developer-centric version control system, which has been of great help to translators.
Some of the immediate needs that could be addressed within the existing framework (some of which are on the Transifex roadmap) are: - Consolidation of Damned Lies and Transifex, allowing retrieving and submitting translations through the same interface - Allowing retrieving and submitting multiple-files at once (e.g. for translating a publican document with many PO files) - Simple workflow on top of Transifex (porting features from Vertimus) - Better usability and easier user registration process (Fedora specific)
Transifex is gaining some traction upstream (e.g. within Gnome), and we hope development will continue strong, serving Fedora and potentially other upstream communities.
Looking at the bigger picture, some of the core requirements we have identified for Red Hat and community L10N going forward are: - Customizable Translation Workflows and integration with e.g. Content Authoring Workflows - Infrastructure easily adaptable to support new File formats and project types (e.g. OpenOffice formats, CMS formats, DTP formats, Wiki, Dita, Java formats), rather than relying on 'upstream' projects to fit a certain L10N infrastructure. - Managing the life-cycle of a translation project across releases and iterations - Translation Reuse and Terminology Management across projects and iterations - Job management, scoping, tracking and resourcing - Managing and/or Tracking upstream translation projects, pushing changes back upstream.
These requirements require a system where the translation lifecycle would be managed within 'Translation Repositories' (similar to e.g. Pootle or Launchpad Translations), rather than directly through e.g. upstream version control systems. With a repository-based approach, we would be able to track and manage changes to a project on a translation unit level, and manage e.g. translation reuse and terminology within and across projects. We could still retain a link with upstream repositories (like with Transifex/Damned Lies). However, this would not be the 'core datamodel', but on a different layer through plug-ins. This link to external repositories could also go beyond traditional version control systems, communicating with external sources like wikis and CMSs.
We have evaluated a number of existing open source L10N frameworks and systems, but haven't found any (yet) that stands out or satisfies our needs or requirements as a development platform. Technology-wise, we are aiming to develop a Java-based(!) system, using technology such as JBoss Seam, Hibernate, jBPM and RichFaces. A java based platform will enable us to make best use of internal expertise in these technologies, as well as making use of technology we are developing (as open source) through collaboration with partners in the L10N industry.
We hope some of these requirements and ideas will excite some of you, and ultimately lead to something that can be of use to open source communities. While we have certain requirements and goals for this internally within the company, there is no need for this to be an 'internal' Red Hat project, and most of the requirements and needs overlap with those of community projects like Fedora. In other words, by developing this in collaboration with the community from a very early stage, we are more likely to develop something that may be of use to the greater community.
Thoughts and comments, all sorts of comments, are very welcome.
cheers, asgeir frimannsson (Senior Software Engineer, I18N Engineering, Red Hat APAC)