Here I complete the required information.
- IRC handle: I believe by this you meant the username, else please correct me. *stonefeller* or *lodbrok* are my usernames. - Marcelo Piedra - Time Zone: EET +2 / Finland - I know Python and have tried frameworks like Flask and fastAPI, also have basic experience using postgres. Have worked for +3 years as a product manager in different startups and also in databases as a service company. Additionally, I have learned some docker. Moreover, I have used vue.js and of course HTML and CSS. At the moment I am attending a course about cybersecurity, started a month ago so at the moment learning about networking. - I am looking to get started in development, as I have learned to code by myself and have used different frameworks, deployed to the cloud and used github, I need to get the real experience and feel of it. so looking to start with easy tasks to get started and learn to get into more advanced stuff at a later stage. If the tasks are related to security then would be good, but if that requires more experience then at a later stage is fine. - I can contribute a minimum of 10 hours per week, but it's possible to add more hours depending on the week.
All the best, Marcelo