On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 01:37:43PM -0500, Mike McGrath wrote:
On Fri, 25 Sep 2009, Paul W. Frields wrote:
I constructed a page on the wiki for an upcoming FAD where some contributors are going to work on some long-standing Fedora Talk related tickets. Details are here:
Count me in as a remotee. I'll make sure to block off a minimum of 50% of my day for this. I might be best for puppetizing and testing.
I know ricky recently rebuilt asterisk2. Might be good for us to get that in some pre-configured state for you all to use. I believe the future setup is pretty distant from how our current asterisk setup in terms of distribution. (currently on RHEL5, future likely F11)
Hopefully Jeff and/or Jared can do some preliminary assessment of how far off we are right now. Jeff had mentioned getting asterisk 1.6.2 in shape, presumably for EPEL-5 so it would be available.
I think we'll begin to have a clearer picture of what we can pre-configure once Jeff returns to net-civilization, or since I believe Jared Smith is also on this list maybe he can help in that area.