Hello everybody,

I have a bachelor degree in Computer engineering, 15 years of experience using Unix/Linux systems and 10 years administering it (mostly Solaris, Debian, CentOS, Arch Linux and RHEL 5.5,6 and 7),I'm a relatively new on Fedora (One year), I worked for three years in Support/HelpDesk area of a large Telephony/Voip enterprise, so I am familiar with ticketing systems like Trac, OTRS and Oracle Siebel (Recently Pagure). Actually I'm a Master degree student in optimization (Mathematics oriented) in one of three major public universities in Mexico (the third :D).

In my university, I founded a LUG many years ago, Certainly a LUG is not a distro centered organization but i found in fedora a good balance with the (cutting edge) technologies present in the industry and the tools needed in many research fields.

FAS: bt0dotninja

IRC: bt0



* C/C++ (mostly for scientific computing MPI,CUDA,etc)

* Python 2

* R

* Bash/ksh scripting


* Chef and Ansible

* I don't have any linux specific certification, only CCNA R&S and Avaya Related support certifications

* I have a lot of experience on Outages and disaster recovery

* I have cold blood


* Soul-Tlamaqui (means 'free soul') LUG.
* Fedora Commops and Dotnet-sig

I want to join in the fi-apprentice group because I can help at first by writing some easyfix related SOPs [ I just read https://infrastructure.fedoraproject.org/infra/docs/infra-sop.rst ]

Best Regarts, Alberto