Dne 09. 02. 24 v 20:34 Miroslav Suchý napsal(a):
I think we should leave "GA" images. Even thought they are EOL for the
most part, I think it's still possibly nice to be able to spin one up to
test something or the like. We can find the names on our download
server, ie, 

Fedora-Cloud-Base-35-1.2 is the GA for fedora 35 cloud. 

Nod. I was about to ask how can I find them... but the name match nicely. And going manualy over 35 names is likely not big deal.

I will tag them. Then they disappear from my radar.

I propose tag


Any objections?

I tagged all GA images with this ^^^ tag.

I went from Fedora 39 down to Fedora 19. But I did not find any image for Fedora 19 and 20 (that is year 2013) so I stopped there.

I label AMIs and associated snapshots.

For the record, this is the the script I used for labeling the AMI in all regions https://github.com/xsuchy/fedora-infra-scripts/blob/main/label-ami.py

Who is responsible for uploading Fedora Cloud images to AWS? Fedora Cloud SIG? Somebody else? I want to make sure that consequent GA images, will be properly tagged.

Miroslav Suchy, RHCA
Red Hat, Manager, Packit and CPT, #brno, #fedora-buildsys