On Mon, 14 Mar 2022 at 10:18, Mark O'Brien <markobri@redhat.com> wrote:
Hi All,

There are a few of our proxies in AWS that are giving us errors which I believe are related to low memory. I would like to reinstall a few of these. I would do one at a time so disruption should be minimal. There is a few benefits.

1. Increase server resources to allow for a bigger load
2. Stop using instances with ephemeral storage to avoid a need for a reinstall in future
3. Assign Elastic IPs to allow for zero downtime replacement in future

Let me know what you think and add +1/-1 as you see fit.

+100. This has gotten past annoying with about 150 emails from the weekend in my email box due to cycling boxes.

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Stephen Smoogen, Red Hat Automotive
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