Hello everyone!

My name is Fabrizio Pasqualin, male, Italian.

My FAS username is giardia

I'm a GNU/Linux user since 2007. I work as sound engineer, and in my spare time i'm studying for the Linux Professional Institute Certifications.

I'd like to join the fi-apprentice group, because it's a good opportunity for me to learn and improve my knowledge about SysAdmin tasks.

I regulary attend my local LUG meetings, we use to play with our EC2 instance on aws which i have ssh access to, i feel confortable with classic LAMP server admin tasks; now i started to learn Ansible.

I'd like to examine logs and have a look at fedora infrastructure setup and see what can i learn from there.

When i feel confortable i will start to look at some easy to fix issues as well.

Please suggest anything you want me to look at

I will attend the weekly meetings regularly on IRC, my nick is capitanocrunch