On 1/17/07, Jeffrey C. Ollie jeff@ocjtech.us wrote:
On Wed, 2007-01-17 at 16:03 -0600, Mike McGrath wrote:
Lets hammer on this asap if we could, I'd like to have Will and company fill one of these out for their Xen instance soon. (gotta start somewhere)
I like it. One thing that I would add though would be to limit how far out you can set the expiration date - I'd suggest six months. If more time is needed they need to come back and show that they have been making progress and expect to be production ready soon.
I had a hard time thinking of whether or not to put a hard limit or just have them put one. In the end I left it open ended because we have to approve it anyway, so if someone put it a year out and we think 3 months is enough, we can have them change it before they get an infrastructure sponsor. I hope we'll have more sponsors than just me :-D If any of you see something that interests you (like a doc plone instance), please let me know!