It's a good thing that this came up, it'd be nice to have a clear decision from the Fedora part. I explained in detail the log & reasoning behind the decision to stop maintaining the open-source branch in the GitHub issue Rahul provided.

In the meantime, the Transifex team is happy to be donating one of the bigger plans to Fedora for free (which supports sharing of teams, Transl. Memory and glossary between teams), and we'll continue to do so.


On Thu, Jul 3, 2014 at 7:09 AM, Rahul Sundaram <> wrote:

Unfortunately it looks like Transifex has become proprietary and Fedora moving to using has been cited as one of the reasons why it wasn't important anymore for them to maintain a open source version.
Should we consider alternatives?


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Dimitris Glezos
Founder & CEO, Transifex