The infrastructure team will be having it's weekly meeting tomorrow, 2013-05-02 at 19:00 UTC in #fedora-meeting on the freenode network.
Suggested topics:
#topic New folks introductions and Apprentice tasks.
If any new folks want to give a quick one line bio or any apprentices would like to ask general questions, they can do so in this part of the meeting. Don't be shy!
#topic Applications status / discussion
Check in on status of our applications: pkgdb, fas, bodhi, koji, community, voting, tagger, packager, dpsearch, etc. If there's new releases, bugs we need to work around or things to note.
#topic Sysadmin status / discussion
Here we talk about sysadmin related happenings from the previous week, or things that are upcoming.
#topic Private Cloud status update / discussion
#topic Upcoming Tasks/Items
#info 2013-05-02 nag fi-apprentices #info 2013-05-08 drop inactive apprentices #info 2013-05-14 to 2013-05-28 BETA infrastructure freeze #info 2013-05-28 F19 beta release #info 2013-05-31 end of 1st quarter #info 2013-06-01 nag fi-apprentices #info 2013-06-08 drop inactive apprentices #info 2013-06-18 to 2013-07-02 FINAL infrastructure freeze. #info 2013-07-01 nag fi-apprentices #info 2013-07-02 F19 FINAL release
#topic Open Floor
Submit your agenda items, as tickets in the trac instance and send a note replying to this thread.
More info here:
============================================ #fedora-meeting: Infrastructure (2013-05-02) ============================================
Meeting started by nirik at 19:00:00 UTC. The full logs are available at .
Meeting summary --------------- * welcome y'all (nirik, 19:00:01)
* New folks introductions and Apprentice tasks (nirik, 19:01:07) * sent out may fi-apprentice nag this morning. (nirik, 19:01:24)
* Applications status / discussion (nirik, 19:06:03) * is live and announced and in production now. Please file bugs if you notice any issues with it. ;) now redirects to it as well. (nirik, 19:06:41) * new fas-openid is live with a number of fixes. (nirik, 19:07:04) * OpenID endpoint now on HTTPS, should solve annoying warnings (puiterwijk, 19:07:16) * fedocal is setup in production, but not yet announced. I need to write up an announcement for it. ;) (nirik, 19:07:25) * we have a hyperkitty test list at: (nirik, 19:08:20) * blockerbugs is live and in production now. (nirik, 19:09:01) * will look at working on moving to gitolite3 as time/energy permits. (nirik, 19:18:02)
* Sysadmin status / discussion (nirik, 19:18:44) * need to add any new apps to (nirik, 19:19:39) * moved lists yesterday. Outage was 4 hours planned and ended up being something like 12. :( However, lists are moved and should be much quicker and less needy. (nirik, 19:20:44) * smooge getting KVM setup, should allow us to get 2 kernel dell boxes up and a ppc builder (nirik, 19:24:41) * will schedule update/reboot cycles next week. (nirik, 19:25:21) * ansible builder repo merging into main public ansible repo. Will be testing. (nirik, 19:31:50)
* Private Cloud status update / discussion (nirik, 19:32:05)
* Upcoming Tasks/Items (nirik, 19:36:10) * 2013-05-02 nag fi-apprentices (nirik, 19:36:25) * 2013-05-08 drop inactive apprentices (nirik, 19:36:25) * 2013-05-14 to 2013-05-28 BETA infrastructure freeze (nirik, 19:36:25) * 2013-05-28 F19 beta release (nirik, 19:36:25) * 2013-05-31 end of 1st quarter (nirik, 19:36:25) * 2013-06-01 nag fi-apprentices (nirik, 19:36:26) * 2013-06-08 drop inactive apprentices (nirik, 19:36:27) * 2013-06-18 to 2013-07-02 FINAL infrastructure freeze. (nirik, 19:36:29) * 2013-07-01 nag fi-apprentices (nirik, 19:36:31) * 2013-07-02 F19 FINAL release (nirik, 19:36:33) * LINK: (nirik, 19:39:01)
* Open Floor (nirik, 19:39:40)
Meeting ended at 19:45:51 UTC.
Action Items ------------
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * nirik (126) * skvidal (65) * abadger1999 (18) * threebean (16) * smooge (16) * puiterwijk (11) * pvod (6) * oddshocks (5) * zodbot (4) * ausmarton (1) * cyberworm54 (1) * lmacken (0) * ricky (0) * mdomsch (0) * dgilmore (0) * CodeBlock (0) -- 19:00:00 <nirik> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2013-05-02) 19:00:00 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu May 2 19:00:00 2013 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at 19:00:00 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:01 <nirik> #meetingname infrastructure 19:00:01 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure' 19:00:01 <nirik> #topic welcome y'all 19:00:01 <nirik> #chair smooge skvidal CodeBlock ricky nirik abadger1999 lmacken dgilmore mdomsch threebean 19:00:01 <zodbot> Current chairs: CodeBlock abadger1999 dgilmore lmacken mdomsch nirik ricky skvidal smooge threebean 19:00:07 * abadger1999 here 19:00:08 * puiterwijk is around 19:00:12 * cyberworm54 here 19:00:13 * ausmarton is here 19:00:13 * skvidal is here 19:00:28 * oddshocks present 19:00:31 <smooge> is hre 19:00:41 <nirik> excellent. Nice turnout today. ;) 19:01:07 <nirik> #topic New folks introductions and Apprentice tasks 19:01:15 <nirik> any new folks? or apprentices with questions? 19:01:24 <nirik> #info sent out may fi-apprentice nag this morning. 19:01:26 * pvod here 19:01:54 <pvod> I'm new 19:02:01 <nirik> I think it might be good to add some new easyfix tickets soon if people can think of easyfix tasks and be willing to help mentor new folks on them. 19:02:05 <oddshocks> pvod: welcome :) 19:02:07 <nirik> welcome pvod 19:02:26 <nirik> pvod: care to give a quick one line intro? are you more interested in sysadmin or application development? 19:02:35 <oddshocks> nirik: I agree, I fixed a few a couple weeks ago and would be willing to help on more 19:02:47 * threebean is here a little late 19:03:22 <nirik> I'll try and come up with some... but other established folks should try to as well. 19:03:58 <abadger1999> have we figured out how to get github tickets listed there? 19:04:11 <nirik> good question. not sure. pingou ? 19:04:12 <pvod> I'm 23 years old, from Bulgaria, I'm into GNU/linux since 2006 started of as a Debian user, now I'm working for HP Bulgaria as a release to production engineer UNIX and I work mostly with RHEL. 19:04:42 <threebean> yes, github tickets are listed on easyfix now. 19:04:43 <pvod> I prefer the sysadmin tasks 19:05:02 <abadger1999> threebean: cool. 19:05:13 <nirik> pvod: awesome. Do see me in #fedora-admin after the meeting and I can add you to our apprentice group if thats of interest to you. 19:05:27 <pvod> will do 19:05:30 <pvod> 10q 19:05:53 <nirik> ok... moving on then... 19:06:03 <nirik> #topic Applications status / discussion 19:06:11 <nirik> any applications news? 19:06:12 <nirik> I have a few: 19:06:13 <threebean> oddshocks: if you see any tickets that jump out at you, take one by all means. if you want any suggestions, i guess lets talk in #fedora-apps afterwards? 19:06:41 <nirik> #info is live and announced and in production now. Please file bugs if you notice any issues with it. ;) now redirects to it as well. 19:06:45 <puiterwijk> yes, last week I have changed some configuration parameters and made a new release of FAS-OpenID to make the endpoint serve on https, to be a bit safer, and give users less warnings etc 19:07:00 <smooge> yay! 19:07:03 <oddshocks> threebean: sure thing, just finishing up school cycles this very day so I will have more free time. also starting work on getting tahrir stood up on a FOSSBox server so we can issue badges, remy asked for that 19:07:04 <nirik> #info new fas-openid is live with a number of fixes. 19:07:16 <puiterwijk> #info OpenID endpoint now on HTTPS, should solve annoying warnings 19:07:22 <threebean> oddshocks++ 19:07:25 <nirik> #info fedocal is setup in production, but not yet announced. I need to write up an announcement for it. ;) 19:08:20 <nirik> #info we have a hyperkitty test list at: 19:08:30 <nirik> please subscribe and/or click around and test it out. ;) 19:09:01 <nirik> #info blockerbugs is live and in production now. 19:09:34 <nirik> any other apps new or discussion? 19:09:40 <threebean> last week I said I'd write an announcement for the new fedora-tagger.. I'm still waiting on some feedback from hughsie and on a couple bugfixes before I do that. 19:10:23 <nirik> fair enough. 19:10:36 <nirik> oh, that reminds me.... 19:10:56 <nirik> should go to packager now? or does the latest pkgdb still have that? 19:11:21 <nirik> I guess it goes to bugzilla frontpage now? 19:11:23 <abadger1999> nirik: pkgdb still has the bugz interface. There were some bugs with packages bugs interface but I don't know if they're still there? 19:11:32 <nirik> ok. 19:11:38 <threebean> yeah, i lost track of the status. 19:11:46 <nirik> yeah, I know we backed it out, but not sure if thats ready to try again or not 19:12:01 <threebean> I guess the next step would be to send out a call for testing again. 19:12:02 <abadger1999> in all honesty -- 19:12:28 <nirik> also, related we have new dates for bugzilla upgrades: 2013-05-08 - partner bugzilla upgrade. 2013-05-13 - bugzilla upgrade. 19:12:45 <abadger1999> the bugz interface is simple to keep in pkgdb... I'd much rather prioritise the things we've taken out of pkgdb already get put into packages and tagger. 19:12:53 <nirik> sure. 19:13:28 <threebean> abadger1999: sure, let's make a list and a ticket to track it after the meeting. 19:13:41 * nirik nods. sounds good. 19:13:53 <abadger1999> Sure. 19:14:11 <nirik> ok, any other app news? or shall we move on? 19:14:27 <abadger1999> pkgdb with reduced functionality went livethis week 19:14:35 <abadger1999> working well and no complaints so far. 19:14:40 <nirik> so far no complaints yeah. 19:14:42 <abadger1999> pingou has made a lot of progress on pkgdb2 19:15:13 <abadger1999> puiterwijk and I have been discussing migrating everything using jsonfas to openid for auth. he created a wiki page of apps. 19:15:14 <nirik> so, question there... pkgdb produces stuff for gitolite for the acls? 19:15:18 <abadger1999> The list is not long :-) 19:15:27 <abadger1999> nirik: correct. 19:15:42 <nirik> could we look at targeting new gitolite3 for the pkgdb2 stuff? 19:15:52 <puiterwijk> the list is at: if anyone know any apps that could use OpenID but missing from that list, feel free to add them 19:15:52 * nirik doesn't know if that makes it easier or harder or more parts. 19:16:09 <abadger1999> nirik: we could Right now, the design has a cron job that sits in the middle. 19:16:16 <abadger1999> the cron job is probably what needs modification. 19:16:32 <abadger1999> I don't know what gitolite3 needs... f13 wrote the gitolite integration. 19:16:50 <nirik> abadger1999: ok, I think it would be nice to move to 3.0... and skvidal I think talked to the gitolite maintainer not long ago and he offered to help us with any questions, etc. 19:16:58 <skvidal> I did 19:17:08 <skvidal> he hangs out in #git 19:17:08 * nirik recalls him being very nice and responsive. 19:17:11 <skvidal> and he's quite helpful 19:17:25 <skvidal> and he doesn't really like how we have gitolite setup now 19:17:30 <abadger1999> Cool. I don't know anything about either the current or new gitolite but the cron job is separate from the main pkgdb code so we should be able to work on that independently. 19:17:31 <threebean> this is on my fedmsg trigger list but that cronjob stumped me last time I checked. 19:17:49 <skvidal> I have an email from him in my inbox saying he will help us stop doing things that way ;) 19:17:55 <skvidal> <hint><hint> 19:17:55 <abadger1999> It's pretty much taking information in one format and spitting it out in another format. 19:18:02 <nirik> #info will look at working on moving to gitolite3 as time/energy permits. 19:18:44 <nirik> #topic Sysadmin status / discussion 19:18:49 <nirik> so, lets see... 19:18:52 <puiterwijk> nirik: one more apps thing 19:18:59 <puiterwijk> we might want to add new applications to apps.fp.o 19:19:00 <nirik> oh, go ahead? 19:19:11 <nirik> ah yeah, agree. 19:19:12 <puiterwijk> I believe I missed some apps there 19:19:21 <puiterwijk> fedocal for example 19:19:39 <nirik> #info need to add any new apps to 19:19:54 <nirik> threebean: is that something you can do? or we have a sop for so anyone can? 19:20:13 <nirik> on the sysadmin side... 19:20:35 * threebean nods 19:20:44 <nirik> #info moved lists yesterday. Outage was 4 hours planned and ended up being something like 12. :( However, lists are moved and should be much quicker and less needy. 19:21:09 <skvidal> w00t 19:21:10 <nirik> I'd like to schedule a update/reboot cycle for our cloud soon... next wed perhaps? 19:21:14 <skvidal> glad to have lists off of gluster and out of sb 19:21:25 <puiterwijk> skvidal: +1 19:21:27 <nirik> yeah, it's a LOT faster 19:21:32 * skvidal goes to schedule his PTO for next wednesday 19:21:36 <skvidal> LA LA LA LA 19:21:46 <nirik> or we could push it off some too. 19:21:49 <skvidal> no no 19:21:51 <skvidal> I'm kidding 19:21:57 <nirik> we also need to probibly do another mass reboot of other servers too 19:22:02 <skvidal> whenever you push it off to - that's when my PTO will start 19:22:04 <nirik> we have a kernel update pending that would be nice to apply 19:22:08 <nirik> :) 19:22:13 <skvidal> nirik: and libvirt 19:22:17 <skvidal> and an iptables patch just came out 19:22:20 <skvidal> not security 19:22:24 <skvidal> but it is has the conntrack thing 19:22:32 <skvidal> which, I think, would have helped us in sb 19:22:37 <skvidal> with their batshit routing 19:23:16 * nirik looks for when the freeze starts for beta. 19:23:22 <nirik> 2013-05-14 19:23:45 <smooge> I am trying to get our APC evaluation to work 19:24:09 <nirik> so, perhaps mass reboot next tuesday of all class a/b and cloud wed? 19:24:11 <smooge> so I can get the dell boxes and stuff installed 19:24:17 <smooge> nirik, sounds good to me 19:24:41 <nirik> #info smooge getting KVM setup, should allow us to get 2 kernel dell boxes up and a ppc builder 19:24:50 <smooge> well the ppc box no 19:24:55 <smooge> it uses a DVI connector 19:24:59 <nirik> no? ah, fun 19:25:10 <smooge> and the KVM is giving me all kinds of java errors 19:25:21 <nirik> #info will schedule update/reboot cycles next week. 19:25:27 <nirik> fun 19:25:34 <smooge> I am going to have to make a box to just run an oracle java to see if that will do it. 19:25:44 <smooge> It has been just a load of ... today 19:26:16 <nirik> yeah. ;( 19:26:32 <nirik> smooge: whats the status of the retrace02 instance? waiting on cert? 19:26:59 <smooge> I need to get a port punched through the firewall 19:27:07 <nirik> ah yeah, that too. 19:27:16 <smooge> and then do a DNS rename 19:27:21 <nirik> can you reply to them with status? just to keep them in the loop. 19:27:45 <smooge> I thought I did. Didn't you get it on Tuesday? 19:27:58 <smooge> I will do so again 19:28:12 <nirik> perhaps I did. I can check. I know they pinged me monday or something. 19:28:23 <nirik> anyhow, any other sysadminy things? 19:28:40 <skvidal> builders and ansible 19:28:51 <skvidal> I'm testing out the merge of all of the builders stuff into ansible 19:28:55 <nirik> indeed. ;) 19:28:58 <skvidal> so now all of our builders infra will be in an open repo 19:29:03 <nirik> excellent. 19:29:06 <skvidal> instead of a super-sekr3t isolated one 19:29:11 <skvidal> it's working thus far 19:29:15 <skvidal> and, curiously, is less code 19:29:28 <nirik> have you tested an arm one? 19:29:34 <skvidal> nope 19:29:43 <skvidal> just the x86ish ons 19:29:44 <nirik> ok, we should do that at some point... 19:29:46 <skvidal> yes 19:29:54 <nirik> also, I think we had the compose-x86 in there too? or no? 19:30:01 <skvidal> but I've not done that, either 19:30:06 <skvidal> I started with buildvm* 19:30:15 * oddshocks has to duck out... bye everyone! 19:30:16 <skvidal> just testing and getting the basics right 19:30:18 <nirik> yeah, makes sense. 19:30:27 <nirik> but good progress. ;) 19:30:30 <skvidal> and I have the config_builder broken out such tht it should work on any of them 19:30:35 <skvidal> so - much to test 19:30:42 <skvidal> but not without hope 19:31:19 <nirik> yep. I'd like to get back to getting working arm-qa/arm-releng playbooks. 19:31:50 <nirik> #info ansible builder repo merging into main public ansible repo. Will be testing. 19:31:56 <nirik> thanks skvidal 19:32:01 <skvidal> np 19:32:05 <nirik> #topic Private Cloud status update / discussion 19:32:16 <nirik> anything for cloud aside from updating/rebooting? 19:32:17 <skvidal> added cinder volume server on fed-cloud07 19:32:22 <skvidal> made that work 19:32:25 <skvidal> even documented it and stuff 19:32:27 * nirik wonders if there is a order we should do rebooting in? 19:32:42 <skvidal> nirik: I think the magic question will be - what we expect to have happen on restore 19:32:42 <nirik> yep. Saw the blog post... excellent. So, that should give us more room. 19:32:53 <skvidal> doubles the cinder volume space 19:33:08 <skvidal> so we bounce the cloud boxes 19:33:13 <nirik> last time I rebooted, I 'suspended' all the instances. 19:33:14 <skvidal> I don't think the instances come back 19:33:18 <nirik> which is like hibernate. 19:33:23 <nirik> and they did come back up 19:33:33 <nirik> (except for I think 2 of them for some reason?) 19:34:03 <skvidal> okay 19:34:08 <skvidal> so 19:34:10 <nirik> so, we could try that again... 19:34:12 <skvidal> for this time 19:34:14 <skvidal> let's do that 19:34:15 <nirik> or, just reboot/remake them 19:34:16 <skvidal> and document it 19:34:22 <nirik> ok 19:34:23 <skvidal> ideally - let's see if we can do it from the cli 19:34:33 <skvidal> b/c I'd like to be positive of the order of things 19:34:34 <nirik> of course what worked once won't always. ;) 19:34:36 <skvidal> just in cases 19:34:40 <skvidal> nirik: of course not 19:34:43 <skvidal> that's just silly 19:34:52 <nirik> and I'm sure no one else reboots their clouds. 19:35:00 <skvidal> why would you do such a thing? 19:35:08 <nirik> so once again we can blaze the trail! :) 19:35:24 <skvidal> in such radical things as "having your instances talk to each other" 19:35:27 <skvidal> and "routing" 19:35:33 <skvidal> and "removing ips you aren't using" 19:35:36 <skvidal> and "adding space" 19:35:46 <nirik> radical ideas. ;) 19:36:03 * skvidal puts on his big boots 19:36:06 <skvidal> for the TRAILBLAZING! 19:36:10 <nirik> #topic Upcoming Tasks/Items 19:36:22 <nirik> info dump coming up: 19:36:25 <nirik> #info 2013-05-02 nag fi-apprentices 19:36:25 <nirik> #info 2013-05-08 drop inactive apprentices 19:36:25 <nirik> #info 2013-05-14 to 2013-05-28 BETA infrastructure freeze 19:36:25 <nirik> #info 2013-05-28 F19 beta release 19:36:25 <nirik> #info 2013-05-31 end of 1st quarter 19:36:26 <nirik> #info 2013-06-01 nag fi-apprentices 19:36:27 <nirik> #info 2013-06-08 drop inactive apprentices 19:36:29 <nirik> #info 2013-06-18 to 2013-07-02 FINAL infrastructure freeze. 19:36:31 <nirik> #info 2013-07-01 nag fi-apprentices 19:36:33 <nirik> #info 2013-07-02 F19 FINAL release 19:36:36 <nirik> any items folks would like to add/schedule ? 19:36:50 <nirik> Oh, I added the bugzilla updates on my list, but not on the one I pasted. ;) 19:37:00 <nirik> and I guess I could stuff all this in fedocal moving forward. 19:37:21 <smooge> flock 19:37:36 <nirik> yeah, although there are not final dates yet that I know of. 19:37:43 <nirik> 'around aug 9th' or so 19:38:19 <smooge> ah ok 19:38:22 <nirik> smooge: oh, another thing... you were going to migrate those last 2 lists ? is everything ready for that? 19:38:25 <skvidal> ait 19:38:28 <skvidal> flock? 19:38:32 <skvidal> where is the info? 19:38:57 <puiterwijk> skvidal: FUDCon US + FUDCon EMEA 19:39:01 <nirik> 19:39:12 <skvidal> is that definitive now? 19:39:21 <puiterwijk> skvidal: as far as I know, yeah 19:39:26 <skvidal> ok 19:39:40 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 19:39:52 <nirik> any items for open floor or general questions/discussion? 19:40:33 <threebean> Any further discussion on those fedmsg/datanommer nagios checks? 19:41:05 <nirik> I replied with some thoughts, but I think any other way than the way you are doing it might be too complicated. 19:41:18 * threebean nods 19:41:52 <nirik> threebean: oh, another thing for the fedmsg list... should we look at optin ability on fedorahosted now? ie, a way for a project to opt in to git commits / trac tickets being announced? 19:41:56 <threebean> hoping to keep it simple. I'll set it up sometime soon and we can tweak the parameters as necessary, then. 19:42:13 <nirik> I think the majority of things there won't care. But, some projects might make sense to be on the fedora bus 19:42:18 * nirik nods 19:42:54 <threebean> nirik: Yeah, that sounds good. An automated optin system would be overkill I think, but if you know of any projects off hand that might want to be guinea pigs, can you send them my way? 19:43:20 <nirik> threebean: sure. yeah, we don't need automated, perhaps just a script? or a sop even. 19:43:40 <nirik> oh, is there any plan to fedmsg lists? or too much data? 19:44:05 <threebean> Just waiting on mailman3 and then some tinkering for that. 19:44:13 <nirik> ok, fair enough. 19:44:24 <nirik> might be worth working on the dev one in the cloud? 19:44:34 <threebean> yeah, cool. :) 19:44:56 <nirik> ok, anything else? or shall we close out? 19:45:48 <nirik> thanks for coming everyone! 19:45:51 <nirik> #endmeeting