Here comes October edition of resources running in AWS. It's a snapshot of resources running today multiplied by all days in the month.
The price is calculated only for volumes and instances. Snapshots are not yet counted in.
Reserved instances are deducted - but hardcoded in the script. And spot instances are counted as on-demand.
Summary: * qa - $76064 * ci - $39792 * copr - $37883 * centos - $32093 * logdetective - $18398 (this one is slightly misleading as it includes one very beefy VM that is regularly stopped and started). * Not tagged - $9265 (this mostly goes to the "ci" bucket) * infra - $7528 * pyai - $3756 * centos-stream-osci - $1123 * respins - $702 * min - $471 * CentOS - $306 * abrt - $236 * centos-stream-build - $8 * CPE - $0 * garbage-collector - $0 * CloudSIG - $0 * ga-archives - $0 * coreos - $0
FedoraGroup: qa - PriceSum: $76064 Region: us-east-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $76064 Instance Type: c5n.metal - Count: 6 - Price: $17029 Instance Type: c6a.8xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $894 Instance Type: i4i.32xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $16034 Instance Type: c6in.metal - Count: 4 - Price: $21192 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 7000 GiB - Price: $665 Volume Type: io1 - Total Size: 6000 GiB - Price: $20250
FedoraGroup: ci - PriceSum: $39792 Region: us-east-1 Service Name: EKS - PriceSum: $745 Instance Type: c5.2xlarge - Count: 3 - Price: $745 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $138 Volume Type: gp2 - Total Size: 288 GiB - Price: $29 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 616 GiB - Price: $109 Region: us-east-2 Service Name: EKS - PriceSum: $184 Instance Type: r5.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $184 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $4484 Instance Type: r5.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $184 Instance Type: r5.large - Count: 2 - Price: $184 Volume Type: gp2 - Total Size: 1248 GiB - Price: $125 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 18694 GiB - Price: $3991 # of AMIs: 40 Service Name: TestingFarm - PriceSum: $34003 Instance Type: m5a.4xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $502 Instance Type: i3.2xlarge - Count: 12 - Price: $5466 Instance Type: m7a.medium - Count: 154 - Price: $6516 Instance Type: i3.large - Count: 9 - Price: $1025 Instance Type: c6a.large - Count: 216 - Price: $12063 Instance Type: c6g.large - Count: 30 - Price: $1489 Instance Type: c6g.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $99 Instance Type: c6a.2xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $447 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 34826 GiB - Price: $6176 Volume Type: gp2 - Total Size: 2200 GiB - Price: $220 Service Name: GitHub - PriceSum: $238 Instance Type: m7a.large - Count: 2 - Price: $169 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 112 GiB - Price: $69
FedoraGroup: copr - PriceSum: $37883 Region: us-east-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $37883 Instance Type: t3a.medium - Count: 2 - Price: 0 (reserved) Instance Type: r5a.large - Count: 1 - Price: 0 (reserved) Instance Type: t3a.small - Count: 1 - Price: 0 (reserved) Instance Type: r7a.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $222 Instance Type: c7a.4xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: 0 (reserved) Instance Type: m5a.4xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: 0 (reserved) Instance Type: t3a.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: 0 (reserved) Instance Type: c7a.large - Count: 1 - Price: $75 Instance Type: c7i.xlarge - Count: 3 - Price: 0 (reserved) Instance Type: c7i.xlarge - Count: 108 - Price: $14073 Instance Type: c7g.xlarge - Count: 12 - Price: 0 (reserved) Instance Type: c7g.xlarge - Count: 149 - Price: $15772 Instance Type: t2.large - Count: 1 - Price: $68 Instance Type: t4g.medium - Count: 1 - Price: $25 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 10619 GiB - Price: $2995 Volume Type: st1 - Total Size: 88652 GiB - Price: $3989 Volume Type: sc1 - Total Size: 500 GiB - Price: $8 Volume Type: io2 - Total Size: 44 GiB - Price: $656 # of AMIs: 3 Region: us-east-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
FedoraGroup: centos - PriceSum: $32093 Region: ap-south-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1716 Instance Type: t3.2xlarge - Count: 3 - Price: $785 Instance Type: t3.large - Count: 1 - Price: $65 Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $295 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 4570 GiB - Price: $571 Region: eu-central-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $4237 Instance Type: t2.large - Count: 1 - Price: $78 Instance Type: r5b.8xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $2079 Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $336 Instance Type: t3.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $140 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 14200 GiB - Price: $1604 Region: us-west-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $2004 Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $561 Instance Type: t3.small - Count: 1 - Price: $15 Instance Type: t3.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $121 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 14145 GiB - Price: $1307 Region: af-south-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $0 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 4050 GiB - Price: $0 Region: eu-west-3 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $814 Instance Type: t3a.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $124 Instance Type: t2.large - Count: 1 - Price: $77 Instance Type: t3.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $138 Instance Type: t3.large - Count: 1 - Price: $69 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 2677 GiB - Price: $406 Region: eu-west-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $5129 Instance Type: t3a.large - Count: 2 - Price: $124 Instance Type: r5a.8xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $1553 Instance Type: t3.large - Count: 2 - Price: $138 Instance Type: t3.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $138 Instance Type: t2.medium - Count: 1 - Price: $38 Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $324 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 26300 GiB - Price: $2814 Region: eu-west-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1131 Instance Type: t2.medium - Count: 4 - Price: $146 Instance Type: t2.xlarge - Count: 3 - Price: $442 Instance Type: t2.large - Count: 1 - Price: $74 Instance Type: t2.small - Count: 2 - Price: $36 Instance Type: t3.large - Count: 1 - Price: $67 Instance Type: t3.medium - Count: 2 - Price: $67 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 584 GiB - Price: $299 Region: ap-northeast-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1513 Instance Type: c6g.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $250 Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $362 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 8070 GiB - Price: $901 Region: sa-east-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1819 Instance Type: c6g.4xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $612 Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $447 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 4250 GiB - Price: $760 Region: ap-southeast-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $787 Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $350 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 4050 GiB - Price: $437 Region: ap-southeast-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1572 Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $701 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 8100 GiB - Price: $871 Region: us-east-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $4445 Instance Type: t3.xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $243 Instance Type: t2.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $135 Instance Type: c6gd.16xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $1794 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 26356 GiB - Price: $2273 Region: us-east-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $6926 Instance Type: m5a.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $251 Instance Type: t3.xlarge - Count: 4 - Price: $486 Instance Type: t3a.large - Count: 1 - Price: $55 Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $561 Instance Type: t2.large - Count: 2 - Price: $135 Instance Type: t3.large - Count: 1 - Price: $61 Instance Type: t3.small - Count: 1 - Price: $15 Instance Type: t3.medium - Count: 1 - Price: $30 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 60020 GiB - Price: $5332
FedoraGroup: logdetective - PriceSum: $18398 Region: eu-west-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $481 Instance Type: g4dn.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $429 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 220 GiB - Price: $52 Region: us-east-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $17917 Instance Type: p3.16xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $17870 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 210 GiB - Price: $47
FedoraGroup: Not tagged - PriceSum: $9265 Region: ap-south-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 535 Region: eu-south-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 534 Region: il-central-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 1 Region: ca-central-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 534 Region: eu-central-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 534 Region: us-west-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 534 Region: us-west-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $4478 Instance Type: c6i.2xlarge - Count: 17 - Price: $4219 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 1360 GiB - Price: $259 # of AMIs: 534 Region: af-south-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 536 Region: eu-north-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 535 Region: eu-west-3 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 534 Region: eu-west-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 534 Region: eu-west-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 534 Region: ap-northeast-3 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 533 Region: ap-northeast-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 534 Region: me-south-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 534 Region: ap-northeast-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 534 Region: sa-east-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 534 Region: ap-east-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 534 Region: ap-southeast-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 534 Region: ap-southeast-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 534 Region: ap-southeast-3 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 533 Region: us-east-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1204 Instance Type: c6a.2xlarge - Count: 4 - Price: $894 Volume Type: gp2 - Total Size: 2000 GiB - Price: $200 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 1000 GiB - Price: $110 # of AMIs: 601 Region: us-east-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $3583 Instance Type: c5.2xlarge - Count: 12 - Price: $2978 Volume Type: gp2 - Total Size: 6050 GiB - Price: $605 # of AMIs: 535
FedoraGroup: infra - PriceSum: $7528 Region: ap-south-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $163 Instance Type: c5d.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $145 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 8 GiB - Price: $18 Region: eu-central-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $3311 Instance Type: c5d.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $162 Instance Type: c5n.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $359 Instance Type: m5.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $168 Instance Type: m6gd.4xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $637 Instance Type: m7g.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $285 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 16723 GiB - Price: $1700 Region: us-west-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $245 Instance Type: t3.medium - Count: 1 - Price: $36 Instance Type: t2.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $161 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 120 GiB - Price: $48 Region: us-west-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $844 Instance Type: m5.large - Count: 3 - Price: $210 Instance Type: m6g.large - Count: 1 - Price: $56 Instance Type: c5n.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $315 Instance Type: c6gd.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $112 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 700 GiB - Price: $146 Volume Type: standard - Total Size: 100 GiB - Price: $5 Region: af-south-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 Instance Type: c5d.xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $0 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 25 GiB - Price: $0 Region: eu-west-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $187 Instance Type: c5d.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $168 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 20 GiB - Price: $19 Region: ap-northeast-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $417 Instance Type: c5n.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $356 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 290 GiB - Price: $61 Region: sa-east-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $955 Instance Type: c5.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $383 Instance Type: c5n.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $485 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 200 GiB - Price: $87 Region: ap-southeast-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $774 Instance Type: c5n.2xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $724 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 150 GiB - Price: $50 Region: us-east-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $421 Instance Type: t3.medium - Count: 1 - Price: $30 Instance Type: t3.small - Count: 1 - Price: $15 Instance Type: c5.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $124 Instance Type: t2.medium - Count: 2 - Price: $68 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 425 GiB - Price: $184 Region: us-east-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $211 Instance Type: c5d.large - Count: 1 - Price: $70 Instance Type: t2.micro - Count: 1 - Price: $8 Instance Type: t3.medium - Count: 1 - Price: $30 Instance Type: t2.medium - Count: 1 - Price: $34 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 113 GiB - Price: $69
FedoraGroup: pyai - PriceSum: $3756 Region: us-east-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $3756 Instance Type: t2.large - Count: 1 - Price: $68 Instance Type: i3.16xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $3644 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 175 GiB - Price: $44
FedoraGroup: centos-stream-osci - PriceSum: $1123 Region: ca-central-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1123 Instance Type: m5d.large - Count: 7 - Price: $644 Instance Type: t2.micro - Count: 1 - Price: $9 Instance Type: m5d.xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $368 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 36 GiB - Price: $102
FedoraGroup: respins - PriceSum: $702 Region: us-east-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $702 Instance Type: c5.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $124 Instance Type: c5.4xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $496 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 650 GiB - Price: $82
FedoraGroup: min - PriceSum: $471 Region: eu-central-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $471 Instance Type: t3.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $280 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 1000 GiB - Price: $191
FedoraGroup: CentOS - PriceSum: $306 Region: us-east-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $306 Instance Type: m5.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $280 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 140 GiB - Price: $26
FedoraGroup: abrt - PriceSum: $236 Region: us-east-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $236 Instance Type: t3a.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $220 Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 10 GiB - Price: $16
FedoraGroup: centos-stream-build - PriceSum: $8 Region: ap-south-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 28 Region: eu-south-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 28 Region: il-central-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 28 Region: ca-central-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 28 Region: eu-central-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 28 Region: us-west-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 28 Region: us-west-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 28 Region: af-south-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 28 Region: eu-north-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 28 Region: eu-west-3 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 28 Region: eu-west-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 28 Region: eu-west-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 28 Region: ap-northeast-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 28 Region: me-south-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 28 Region: ap-northeast-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 28 Region: sa-east-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 28 Region: ap-east-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 28 Region: ap-southeast-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 28 Region: ap-southeast-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 28 Region: us-east-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 28 Region: us-east-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $8 Instance Type: t2.micro - Count: 1 - Price: $8 # of AMIs: 36
FedoraGroup: CPE - PriceSum: $0 Region: ap-south-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 2 Region: eu-south-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 2 Region: ca-central-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 2 Region: eu-central-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 2 Region: us-west-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 2 Region: us-west-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 2 Region: af-south-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 2 Region: eu-north-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 2 Region: eu-west-3 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 2 Region: eu-west-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 2 Region: eu-west-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 2 Region: ap-northeast-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 2 Region: me-south-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 2 Region: ap-northeast-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 2 Region: sa-east-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 2 Region: ap-east-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 2 Region: ap-southeast-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 2 Region: ap-southeast-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 2 Region: us-east-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 2 Region: us-east-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 2
FedoraGroup: garbage-collector - PriceSum: $0 Region: ap-southeast-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 Volume Type: standard - Total Size: 6 GiB - Price: $0
FedoraGroup: CloudSIG - PriceSum: $0 Region: ap-south-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 236 Region: eu-south-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 236 Region: ca-central-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 236 Region: eu-central-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 236 Region: us-west-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 236 Region: us-west-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 236 Region: af-south-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 236 Region: eu-north-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 236 Region: eu-west-3 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 236 Region: eu-west-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 236 Region: eu-west-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 236 Region: ap-northeast-3 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 236 Region: ap-northeast-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 236 Region: me-south-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 236 Region: ap-northeast-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 236 Region: sa-east-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 236 Region: ap-east-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 236 Region: ap-southeast-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 236 Region: ap-southeast-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 236 Region: ap-southeast-3 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 236 Region: us-east-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 236 Region: us-east-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 236
FedoraGroup: ga-archives - PriceSum: $0 Region: ap-south-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 44 Region: eu-south-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 2 Region: il-central-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 Region: ca-central-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 44 Region: eu-central-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 66 Region: us-west-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 66 Region: us-west-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 66 Region: af-south-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 4 Region: eu-north-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 2 Region: eu-west-3 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 8 Region: eu-west-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 44 Region: eu-west-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 66 Region: ap-northeast-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 44 Region: me-south-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 2 Region: ap-northeast-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 66 Region: sa-east-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 66 Region: ap-east-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 2 Region: ap-southeast-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 66 Region: ap-southeast-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 66 Region: us-east-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 66 Region: us-east-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 44
FedoraGroup: coreos - PriceSum: $0 Region: ap-south-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 344 Region: ap-south-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 762 Region: eu-south-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 721 Region: eu-south-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 344 Region: me-central-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 398 Region: il-central-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 236 Region: ca-central-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 762 Region: eu-central-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 762 Region: eu-central-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 344 Region: us-west-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 762 Region: us-west-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 762 Region: af-south-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 734 Region: eu-north-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 762 Region: eu-west-3 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 762 Region: eu-west-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 762 Region: eu-west-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 762 Region: ap-northeast-3 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 651 Region: ap-northeast-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 762 Region: me-south-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 758 Region: ap-northeast-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 762 Region: sa-east-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 762 Region: ap-east-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 758 Region: ca-west-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 150 Region: ap-southeast-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 762 Region: ap-southeast-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 762 Region: ap-southeast-3 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 540 Region: ap-southeast-4 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 236 Region: us-east-1 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 4299 Region: ap-southeast-5 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 40 Region: us-east-2 Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0 # of AMIs: 762
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