Hi all,
Kevin asked me to present Fedocal a little bit.
Fedocal is a web-application aiming at providing a central place for Fedora calendar related data. My first thoughts while doing this was the #fedora-meeting{,-1,-2} IRC channels, but I do think it could work as well for any other calendar related information (releases?, infra?).
== What does it do? * Admin can create calendar(s) * Calendar are managed by a FAS group * People within this FAS group can create meetings on this calendar * While creating meeting, the creator can specify co-managers for the meeting. * Only the manager(s) can edit and delete meetings (and only in the future)
* Meetings have a date, starting and stopping time and a free text field which can contain any information (agenda, introduction...). * Meetings can be recursive until the end of time == 2121-12-31*, or until a specified time and their frequency can be every 7 or 14 days. * Meetings can have a reminder. * Reminder are sent 12h, 24h, 48h or 168h (7days) before the meetings[2] * Reminders can be sent to several email address (comma separated)[2]
* Meetings can be deleted/edited either a single meeting, or all the future meetings of a recursive meeting.
* The calendars have a weekly view which can be browsed * The calendars can also be pointed to a single date, it will then return the view of the week ie: /#fedora-meeting2/2012/9/25 will return the week view of the 25h of September, same for /#fedora-meeting2/2012/9/28
== Future plans?
* The first is for sure, see if this application can be useful * Finish up what needs to be * Take into account the timezone returned by the FAS for the user to display the calendar. Maybe having two columns one with UTC one with the local time. * Provide a iCal/Caldav output so that we can couple it to a calendar client [3] * See with Mizmo to give Fedocal a nicer look :) * Testing!
Fedocal is still work in progress but there is already some things nicely working. It will requires some more work but I think it is duable to have something basic quikly there.
The big question is then: do we consider this useful or should we try to move to a real calendar solution with the reminder function added ?
Best regards, Pierre
[1] Why 2121-12-31? Because 21+21=42 [2] This work is still to be done (probably a script to run via a cronjob at first) [3] This will require quite some work and probably more than I can put in during my free time
PS: I am opening now the discussion but I'll be away for 10 days starting on Wednesday (morning, US time)
On Mon, 2012-09-17 at 19:27 +0200, Pierre-Yves Chibon wrote:
Hi all,
Fedocal is a web-application aiming at providing a central place for Fedora calendar related data. My first thoughts while doing this was the #fedora-meeting{,-1,-2} IRC channels, but I do think it could work as well for any other calendar related information (releases?, infra?).
We have deployed a test instance of fedocal at:
It is configured at the moment so that every one that has signed the CLA can add calendars/meetings, but by default you will need to be CLA+1 (in one more group than just the CLA group).
Comments/Suggestions/Contributions are always welcome :)
Regards, Pierre
On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 11:04 AM, Pierre-Yves Chibon pingou@pingoured.fr wrote:
On Mon, 2012-09-17 at 19:27 +0200, Pierre-Yves Chibon wrote:
Hi all,
Fedocal is a web-application aiming at providing a central place for Fedora calendar related data. My first thoughts while doing this was the #fedora-meeting{,-1,-2} IRC channels, but I do think it could work as well for any other calendar related information (releases?, infra?).
We have deployed a test instance of fedocal at:
It is configured at the moment so that every one that has signed the CLA can add calendars/meetings, but by default you will need to be CLA+1 (in one more group than just the CLA group).
Comments/Suggestions/Contributions are always welcome :)
Regards, Pierre
Very nice, Pierre!
I guess I missed the September announcement of it. I've been wanting something nice like this for sometime. I'll be happy to help test it as needed, so add me to whatever list will allow me to help.
As for features, I think the iCal/caldav stuff is uber important. I want to be able to import it into whatever calendaring system I'm using and be able to add/remove them from my own interface (assuming I have rights). I think this is more important even than the interface that you already have working in that most people are already comfortable with their own calendaring, be it google calendar, iCalendar from Apple, Lotus Notes, etc. Integration in calendaring is the most challenging but useful part. I know that's a longer term goal and I think I can work with two calendars for the short term, but without a way to push/pull events between calendars, I don't see it working long term for me.
Thanks again for putting this together and I look forward to watching the featureset grow and help where I can.
Clint (irc:herlo)
On Fri, 2012-10-05 at 14:46 -0600, Clint Savage wrote:
On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 11:04 AM, Pierre-Yves Chibon pingou@pingoured.fr wrote:
On Mon, 2012-09-17 at 19:27 +0200, Pierre-Yves Chibon wrote:
Hi all,
Fedocal is a web-application aiming at providing a central place for Fedora calendar related data. My first thoughts while doing this was the #fedora-meeting{,-1,-2} IRC channels, but I do think it could work as well for any other calendar related information (releases?, infra?).
We have deployed a test instance of fedocal at:
It is configured at the moment so that every one that has signed the CLA can add calendars/meetings, but by default you will need to be CLA+1 (in one more group than just the CLA group).
Comments/Suggestions/Contributions are always welcome :)
Regards, Pierre
Very nice, Pierre!
I guess I missed the September announcement of it. I've been wanting something nice like this for sometime. I'll be happy to help test it as needed, so add me to whatever list will allow me to help.
As for features, I think the iCal/caldav stuff is uber important. I want to be able to import it into whatever calendaring system I'm using and be able to add/remove them from my own interface (assuming I have rights). I think this is more important even than the interface that you already have working in that most people are already comfortable with their own calendaring, be it google calendar, iCalendar from Apple, Lotus Notes, etc. Integration in calendaring is the most challenging but useful part. I know that's a longer term goal and I think I can work with two calendars for the short term, but without a way to push/pull events between calendars, I don't see it working long term for me.
Thanks again for putting this together and I look forward to watching the featureset grow and help where I can.
Hi Clint,
Thanks for the feedback and the encouragements.
I agree that a iCal/Caldav support is a MUST for this project, unfortunately time-wise it might be limited for me the coming months. I should try to see if iCal might not be easier to support than Caldav though, even if I start by having a read-only calendar.
Maírín said that she could help with the design and today iambryan offered to help as well on the project and we you on board, the team is growing fast!
To me the first objective is to clarify and stabilize the code and make it looks nicer (both the code and the website). The iCal/Caldav feature will come afterward once there are sufficient unit-tests coverage :)
In the meanwhile, please send bug reports and RFE, I'll keep a TODO file within the project to not lose track of them.
Regards, Pierre
On 10/05/2012 02:55 PM, Pierre-Yves Chibon wrote:
On Fri, 2012-10-05 at 14:46 -0600, Clint Savage wrote:
On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 11:04 AM, Pierre-Yves Chibon pingou@pingoured.fr wrote:
On Mon, 2012-09-17 at 19:27 +0200, Pierre-Yves Chibon wrote:
Hi all,
Fedocal is a web-application aiming at providing a central place for Fedora calendar related data. My first thoughts while doing this was the #fedora-meeting{,-1,-2} IRC channels, but I do think it could work as well for any other calendar related information (releases?, infra?).
We have deployed a test instance of fedocal at:
It is configured at the moment so that every one that has signed the CLA can add calendars/meetings, but by default you will need to be CLA+1 (in one more group than just the CLA group).
Comments/Suggestions/Contributions are always welcome :)
Regards, Pierre
Very nice, Pierre!
I guess I missed the September announcement of it. I've been wanting something nice like this for sometime. I'll be happy to help test it as needed, so add me to whatever list will allow me to help.
As for features, I think the iCal/caldav stuff is uber important. I want to be able to import it into whatever calendaring system I'm using and be able to add/remove them from my own interface (assuming I have rights). I think this is more important even than the interface that you already have working in that most people are already comfortable with their own calendaring, be it google calendar, iCalendar from Apple, Lotus Notes, etc. Integration in calendaring is the most challenging but useful part. I know that's a longer term goal and I think I can work with two calendars for the short term, but without a way to push/pull events between calendars, I don't see it working long term for me.
Thanks again for putting this together and I look forward to watching the featureset grow and help where I can.
Hi Clint,
Thanks for the feedback and the encouragements.
I agree that a iCal/Caldav support is a MUST for this project, unfortunately time-wise it might be limited for me the coming months. I should try to see if iCal might not be easier to support than Caldav though, even if I start by having a read-only calendar.
Maírín said that she could help with the design and today iambryan offered to help as well on the project and we you on board, the team is growing fast!
To me the first objective is to clarify and stabilize the code and make it looks nicer (both the code and the website). The iCal/Caldav feature will come afterward once there are sufficient unit-tests coverage :)
In the meanwhile, please send bug reports and RFE, I'll keep a TODO file within the project to not lose track of them.
How does this work with the work people have been doing on Fedora Insight, since that had been planned to have an integrated calendar?
Regards, Pierre
infrastructure mailing list infrastructure@lists.fedoraproject.org https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/infrastructure
On Fri, 2012-10-05 at 15:08 -0700, Robyn Bergeron wrote:
On 10/05/2012 02:55 PM, Pierre-Yves Chibon wrote:
On Fri, 2012-10-05 at 14:46 -0600, Clint Savage wrote:
On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 11:04 AM, Pierre-Yves Chibon pingou@pingoured.fr wrote:
On Mon, 2012-09-17 at 19:27 +0200, Pierre-Yves Chibon wrote:
Hi all,
Fedocal is a web-application aiming at providing a central place for Fedora calendar related data. My first thoughts while doing this was the #fedora-meeting{,-1,-2} IRC channels, but I do think it could work as well for any other calendar related information (releases?, infra?).
We have deployed a test instance of fedocal at:
How does this work with the work people have been doing on Fedora Insight, since that had been planned to have an integrated calendar?
I sent the first email about this in September (here and on logistics) hoping to open this discussion, but I have not heard anything :)
fedocal is still un-finished and lacks some major features that we would want. If the Insight team is working on the calendar and is making progress, I am happy to leave them the place.
From the discussion during the infrastructure meeting we all agreed that
having yet another application to maintain is costly. I have probably not asked the right people to get new about the Insight progress.
Regards, Pierre
We have deployed a test instance of fedocal at:
How does this work with the work people have been doing on Fedora Insight, since that had been planned to have an integrated calendar?
I sent the first email about this in September (here and on logistics) hoping to open this discussion, but I have not heard anything :)
Hi pingou, the link doesn't work for me any more, did I miss something or did you removed fedocal from there? Thank you
------------------ Robert Mayr (robyduck)
On Tue, 2012-10-30 at 23:07 +0100, Robert Mayr wrote:
> >>> We have deployed a test instance of fedocal at: > >>> > >>> > How does this work with the work people have been doing on Fedora > Insight, since that had been planned to have an integrated calendar? I sent the first email about this in September (here and on logistics) hoping to open this discussion, but I have not heard anything :)
the link doesn't work for me any more, did I miss something or did you removed fedocal from there?
Hi Robert,
The test instance was moved within the cloud, you can find it back at:
Cheers, Pierre
2012/10/30 Pierre-Yves Chibon pingou@pingoured.fr
On Tue, 2012-10-30 at 23:07 +0100, Robert Mayr wrote:
> >>> We have deployed a test instance of fedocal at: > >>> > >>> > How does this work with the work people have been doing on Fedora > Insight, since that had been planned to have an integrated calendar? I sent the first email about this in September (here and on logistics) hoping to open this discussion, but I have not heard anything :)
the link doesn't work for me any more, did I miss something or did you removed fedocal from there?
Hi Robert,
The test instance was moved within the cloud, you can find it back at:
Cheers, Pierre
Oh, thanks a lot Pierre. See ya Robert
Are the mail-reminders disabled? Also when creating a new meeting, and not compiling "end time of meeting", it shouldn't reply with an error, but with an invitation to compile all the fields needed. But I think this would be included in a further stage of Fedocal. Btw, if you like some feedback it's ok if I put it here? Or somewhere else?
Seems nice, good work, I wonder if we can connect it also (with a different layout) with the Fedora upcomming events, which actually are on the wiki.
See ya
------------------- Robert Mayr (robyduck)
2012/10/30 Robert Mayr robyduck@gmail.com
2012/10/30 Pierre-Yves Chibon pingou@pingoured.fr
On Tue, 2012-10-30 at 23:07 +0100, Robert Mayr wrote:
> >>> We have deployed a test instance of fedocal at: > >>> > >>> > How does this work with the work people have been doing on Fedora > Insight, since that had been planned to have an integrated calendar? I sent the first email about this in September (here and on logistics) hoping to open this discussion, but I have not heard anything :)
the link doesn't work for me any more, did I miss something or did you removed fedocal from there?
Hi Robert,
The test instance was moved within the cloud, you can find it back at:
Cheers, Pierre
Oh, thanks a lot Pierre. See ya Robert
On Fri, 2012-11-02 at 11:44 +0100, Robert Mayr wrote:
Are the mail-reminders disabled?
The VM does not have email setup at the moment, so yes the reminders are not working.
Also when creating a new meeting, and not compiling "end time of meeting", it shouldn't reply with an error, but with an invitation to compile all the fields needed. But I think this would be included in a further stage of Fedocal.
I just fixed a bug that could occurred when someone was trying to add a meeting with a end time earlier than the start time, that might be the one you faced.
Btw, if you like some feedback it's ok if I put it here? Or somewhere else?
Here or by private email, all is fine.
Seems nice, good work, I wonder if we can connect it also (with a different layout) with the Fedora upcomming events, which actually are on the wiki.
Thanks for your kind words.
I have actually been working so that we could have an ambassador calendar, something that would allow: - Several meetings to occur at the same date and time in the same calendar - Meeting can have a 'region' attached so that they can later be filtered/retrieved (via the api) using the region criteria.
The code is in.
Two things which are present but not linked anywhere are: - the iCal feed, see /ical/<calendar_name>/ for example:
- the API to retrieve the meetings and eventually incorporate them somewhere else:
Regards, Pierre