15:03 -!- mmcgrath changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Infrastructure -- Meeting Role Call! Who's here? 15:04 < ivazquez> Pong. 15:04 * bpepple sits in the peanut gallery. 15:04 * jeremy 15:04 * nirik is in the cheap seats in the back. 15:04 * skvidal is here 15:04 < frankc> * frank 15:04 * mmcgrath 15:04 * lmacken 15:04 < jcollie> yo 15:04 -!- MrBawb [i=abob@guppy.drown.org] has joined #fedora-meeting 15:05 * abadger1999 is here 15:06 < abadger1999> Hey MrBawb, just in time! 15:06 < MrBawb> hooray! 15:06 < mmcgrath> ok, lets get started. 15:07 * couf somewhat 15:08 -!- mmcgrath changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Infrastructure -- Tickets 15:08 < mmcgrath> .tiny https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/query?status=new&status=a... 15:08 < mmcgrathbot> mmcgrath: http://tinyurl.com/2hyyz6 15:08 -!- loupgaroublond [n=yankee@pool-71-182-186-246.pitbpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #fedora-meeting 15:09 < mmcgrath> .tickety 192 15:09 < mmcgrath> .ticket 192 15:09 < mmcgrathbot> mmcgrath: #192 (Netapp low on free space) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - https://hosted.fedoraproject.org/projects/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/192 15:10 < mmcgrath> So we've added some space from the netapp that we recently discovered, a tiny amount in compared what we're using. 15:11 < jcollie> so did i hear right that a new netapp is on order? 15:11 < mmcgrath> jcollie: its in the process of being ordered. 15:11 < mmcgrath> I just informed our RH people where to ship it. 15:12 < MrBawb> feel free to say no way, but what about non-netapp storage? 15:12 < mmcgrath> actually we didn't order an additional netapp this time around. 15:12 < mmcgrath> its just a disk tray from Dell with around 10T of storage. 15:12 < MrBawb> ah 15:12 < mmcgrath> and its going to be dedicated to the build system. 15:12 < mmcgrath> any other questions on that? 15:13 * mmcgrath is hoping for delivery sometime in the next 2 weeks but with christmas and such its hard to say. 15:13 < mmcgrath> ok, next ticket. 15:13 < mmcgrath> .tiny 270 15:13 < mmcgrathbot> mmcgrath: Error: '270' is not a valid url. 15:13 < mmcgrath> crap 15:13 < mmcgrath> .ticket 270 15:13 < mmcgrathbot> mmcgrath: #270 (Fedora Wiki allows editing raw HTML) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - https://hosted.fedoraproject.org/projects/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/270 15:13 < mmcgrath> ricky: ping? 15:13 < dgilmore> soory im late 15:14 < dgilmore> sorry even 15:14 * mmcgrath thinks ricky isn't around right now. 15:14 < mmcgrath> thats fine we'll move on 15:14 < mmcgrath> .ticket 283 15:14 < mmcgrathbot> mmcgrath: #283 (Vote: Support Monotone?) - Fedora Infrastructure - Trac - https://hosted.fedoraproject.org/projects/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/283 15:14 < mmcgrath> So we've had the conversation on the mailing list. 15:15 < mmcgrath> Anyone have any questions with this from this last week? 15:15 < jcollie> so is roland opposed to converting to git/hg/bzr? 15:15 -!- stahnma [n=stahnma@c-76-18-178-254.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #fedora-meeting 15:15 < mmcgrath> Just a reminder is whether or not to support monotone which would also get elfutils on fedorahosted. 15:15 < mmcgrath> Which is good, but supporting all scm's under the sun is bad. 15:15 < mmcgrath> jcollie: yeah, he's opposed to everything that is not monotone. 15:16 < mmcgrath> So I'll give a 5 minute vote, +1 for, -1 against +0 not voting and -NEEDMOREINFO to prefer to wait till next week. 15:17 < dgilmore> I kinda think we should support monotone to get elfutils completely out of the closet 15:17 < mmcgrath> ============== Voteing begins now =========== 15:17 < dgilmore> +1 15:17 < jcollie> +1 15:17 -!- llaumgui [n=llaumgui@cro34-2-82-226-153-125.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #fedora-meeting 15:17 < lmacken> +1 15:17 < ivazquez> I'm not a fan of monotone but nothing jumped out at me as being a negative. +0 15:17 < abadger1999> +0 15:17 -!- CyberSpy [n=cyberspy@cpe-065-191-024-225.nc.res.rr.com] has quit Remote closed the connection 15:17 < MrBawb> +0 15:17 < stahnma> -1, why support more things.... 15:18 < skvidal> +0 15:18 < couf> +0 15:18 * mmcgrath has to admit this comes down to monotone -1 and elfutils +1. 15:19 < skvidal> mmcgrath: right 15:20 < mmcgrath> a 5 minute vote might seem kind of long. 15:21 < abadger1999> Who's going to work on integrating monotone? Roland or one of us? 15:22 < mmcgrath> 1 minute yet. 15:22 < mmcgrath> abadger1999: it'll have to be one of us unless he wants to join the team. 15:22 < mmcgrath> which I'll try to get him to do but if thats all he's going to do I fear it won't do us any good. 15:22 < mmcgrath> Either way its just knowledge. We can learn it. 15:22 < jima> oops 15:22 < mmcgrath> jima: you going to vote? 15:23 < mmcgrath> +0 can't decide. 15:23 < jima> -1 for monotone 15:23 < mmcgrath> =================== Voting Done =============== 15:23 < jima> no one's familiar with it, right? 15:23 < mmcgrath> So that makes +3-2=+1 15:23 < mmcgrath> So I'll start working out the details with Rolland. 15:23 * ricky appers. 15:24 < ricky> **appears 15:24 < mmcgrath> It could be there comes a technical hurdle or something else that we can't overcome. 15:24 < mmcgrath> But for now we'll go forward under the assumption that we're going to support monotone. 15:24 < mmcgrath> ricky: yo 15:24 * ivazquez will as well 15:25 < mmcgrath> allrighty 15:25 < mmcgrath> next topic 15:25 -!- mmcgrath changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Infrastructure -- Fedora Schedule 15:25 < mmcgrath> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/Schedule 15:26 < mmcgrath> So not much going on on the sponsorship side. We're still waiting on peer1 for their logo and info. 15:26 * MrBawb -> afk 15:26 * mmcgrath did add this to the wiki 15:26 < mmcgrath> .tiny http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/Architecture?action=AttachFile&... 15:26 < mmcgrathbot> mmcgrath: http://tinyurl.com/2elthq 15:27 < mmcgrath> I'll be updating that documentation in coming weeks. 15:27 < mmcgrath> Before FUDCon. 15:27 < mmcgrath> Nothing new on the SOP front. 15:28 < dgilmore> mmcgrath: kickstart and puppet SOP's worked well 15:28 < mmcgrath> ahhh yes /me forgot dgilmore got to test those this week. 15:28 < mmcgrath> On the sponsorship front we've also got J5 working with us to do some development work. he's now on the sysadmin-test group. 15:28 < dgilmore> only minnor issues and part of that is probably that i prefer to use the cycaleds and serial console 15:29 < mmcgrath> <nod> 15:29 < mmcgrath> Alrighty. So thats all I've got 15:29 < mmcgrath> dgilmore: can you give us a quick overview of what we did with the builders this last week? 15:29 -!- mmcgrath changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Infrastructure -- Builder upgrades. 15:29 < dgilmore> mmcgrath: sure 15:30 < dgilmore> so to start with I built a new hub 15:30 < dgilmore> its a xen guest on Xen1 15:30 < dgilmore> when we switched over i shut the builders down 15:30 < dgilmore> brough the new hub up and got it in place 15:31 < dgilmore> then one by one did a reinstall on the builders 15:31 < dgilmore> we made a slight change in the way the builders are put together 15:31 < dgilmore> we made /var/lib/mock a raid0 with ext2 on it 15:31 < dgilmore> it should give a small speed improvement in builds 15:32 < dgilmore> and if a drive dies we dont care that we lost the file system 15:32 < dgilmore> ppc4 had some quirks 15:32 < dgilmore> i had to change the drive it boos off in the SP 15:32 < dgilmore> hammer2 is still the only physical x86_64 host 15:33 < dgilmore> the rest of the x86_64 boxes are xen guests 15:33 < mmcgrath> solid 15:33 < dgilmore> so thats the run down 15:33 < dgilmore> any questions 15:33 < mmcgrath> all in all it seems like things are back in good order right? 15:33 < dgilmore> yes 15:33 < dgilmore> all done 15:33 * mmcgrath wishes ppc1 would get back in to order. 15:33 < jcollie> yeah builds are back to a decent speed 15:33 < dgilmore> we now are using mock 0.9.x 15:33 < ivazquez> Should we perhaps get another x86_64 box? Or are we fine with what we have? 15:34 * dgilmore too stupid ibm 15:34 < dgilmore> we have 4 x86_64 15:34 < dgilmore> we could always use more 15:34 < dgilmore> ivazquez: we do have replacement hardware just need power for it 15:34 < mmcgrath> We have a whole blade center sitting on the floor somewhere waiting to get installed. 15:34 < ivazquez> I can't help but think of what would happen if it goes down hard (knock on wood). 15:34 < mmcgrath> the earliest I've heard is january. 15:35 * skvidal holds his breath 15:35 * skvidal passes out from holding his breath 15:35 < mmcgrath> heh 15:35 < mmcgrath> dgilmore: have anything else on the builders? 15:35 * mmcgrath notes dgilmore is sitting just 10 feet from him. 15:36 < mmcgrath> he says no :) 15:36 < mmcgrath> ok 15:36 -!- mmcgrath changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Infrastructure -- Open Floor 15:36 < mmcgrath> Anyone have anything else they want to discuss? 15:36 < skvidal> mmcgrath: can you reach out and hit dgilmore from there? 15:36 < mmcgrath> skvidal: not quite. 15:36 < mmcgrath> I could hit him with an orange. 15:36 < skvidal> mmcgrath: lean over 15:36 < skvidal> oo oo 15:36 < skvidal> good 15:36 < skvidal> throw fruit 15:36 < mmcgrath> heheh 15:37 < skvidal> ook 15:37 * dgilmore slaps skvidal 15:37 < mmcgrath> Ok, if no one has anything else they'd like to discuss I'll close the meeting in 30. 15:37 < mmcgrath> 15 15:37 < abadger1999> MrBawb: Want to update us on Moin? 15:38 < dgilmore> abadger1999: he dropped off 15:38 < mmcgrath> thats a good thing to talk about 15:38 < mmcgrath> MrBawb: you still afk? 15:38 < mmcgrath> we can wait a bit and see if he appears. 15:38 < abadger1999> Oh well. 15:38 < mmcgrath> abadger1999: we'll nab him next time. 15:39 * mmcgrath creates ticket for it to make sure 15:39 < mmcgrath> ok, anyone have anything else? if not I'll close in 30. 15:39 * dgilmore hands mmcgrath toys 15:40 < mmcgrath> a10 15:40 * ricky sees collaboration server :) 15:40 < mmcgrath> ricky: its comin :) 15:40 -!- frankc [n=824c405d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ircatwork.com/x-091c4d5bcc04fde6] has left #fedora-meeting [] 15:40 < ricky> Cool. 15:40 -!- mmcgrath changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Infrastructure -- Meeting Closed