I take offence at the line "You're simply a servant assisting.".
Of whom am I supposed to be a 'servant'?
I'm a volunteer,I give my time freely to the FedoraProject.

I'm sorry you  find us unhelpful. You asked a question about preupgrade and were given the advice of a number of people who have found that it causes things to break. The collective wisdom of the channel is that a backup,clean Install and restore of data is the best way to achieve a successful upgrade of Fedora versions. You were told that.

That you have no media (CD/DVD optical drive, USB pen drive) is problematic for this I appreciate however USB pen drives are cheap (approx 9UKP here for  an 8Gb one).I suggest if you intend to switch OS distros (which clearly you do sometimes) that you invest in one.

Clive aka DiscordianUK.