It took many time to figure out, how build google-gson with jdk 17 , it
also fail to build docs, the third or more package that doesn't build
doc for me .
I'd like transfer the ownership of my java packages to someone, because
I haven't time to take care of it .
- google-gson. Depending packages (rawhide) (4): java-runtime-
decompiler jgit protobuf reflections
- jdependency. Depending packages (rawhide) (1): maven-shade-plugin
- javassist. Depending packages (rawhide) (3): mysql-connector-java
reflections and scannotation
- disruptor, Depending packages (rawhide) (1): log4j
- pdfbox, Depending packages (rawhide) (1): fop
Best regards,
Sérgio M. B.