On Thu, 19 May 2005 A.J.Delaney@brighton.ac.uk wrote:
Hey all, I've not been lurking for very long, but I'll put in my speak anyway :) I run Eclipse 3.0.2 (vanilla) on Sun's JDK 1.5 and the ultra-cool-eclipse 3.1.0 (Fedora rawhide) on gcj (Red Hat 4.0.0-6) on the same workspace. When running ultra-cool-eclipse I have no run configurations. It's also not possible to add a new run configuration as the "New" button in the Run->Run dialog is grey'ed out. I also don't have a syntax highlighting editor. I get a plain text editor with no nice colours. Are these problems cause by me running two versions of Eclipse on the same workspace?
Quite possibly. Try passing the -data option to eclipse to select a different workspace for each version e.g.
eclipse -data $HOME/workspace31
/usr/local/eclipse/eclipse -data $HOME/workspace30