Hi all,

In case you haven't seen, mass rebuild happened today!

Many java package failures that I have fixed so far are due to strict javadoc linting being enabled in openJDK.

For maven builds, it is recommended to to disable maven-javadoc-plugin and let xmvn deal with building javadocs on its own. Add this in your %prep section:

%pom_remove_plugin :maven-javadoc-plugin

Example change: http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/java-uuid-generator.git/commit/?id=c533810a893ddfae56b2cb124a0f4fd3a07726ca

For ant builds, you can disable javadoc linting by patching the build.xml to pass the following parameter to the javadoc task:


Example change: http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/hsqldb.git/commit/?id=b79d0c4b85f4c6a94c03f72599aaf7c2b798c2f0

Hope this helps,
