I have removed legacy provides/obsoletes from a bunch of Apache Commons packages in rawhide. If your package still requires some jakarta-commons-* (except jakarta-commons-httpclient) then you should change that requirement to apache-commons-*.
Obsoletes and provides from the following packages were removed:
apache-commons-beanutils apache-commons-codec apache-commons-collections apache-commons-compress apache-commons-configuration apache-commons-daemon apache-commons-dbcp apache-commons-digester apache-commons-discovery apache-commons-el apache-commons-fileupload apache-commons-io apache-commons-jxpath apache-commons-net apache-commons-pool jakarta-commons-httpclient
Let me know if there are any problems.
On 10/14/2014 09:11 AM, Mikolaj Izdebski wrote:
I have removed legacy provides/obsoletes from a bunch of Apache Commons packages in rawhide. If your package still requires some jakarta-commons-* (except jakarta-commons-httpclient) then you should change that requirement to apache-commons-*.
Simillarly for maven2-plugin-* and simillar obsoletes were removed from various packages providing Maven plugins.
maven2 Obsoletes and Provides were removed from:
jarjar maven maven-antrun-plugin maven-assembly-plugin maven-changes-plugin maven-checkstyle-plugin maven-compiler-plugin maven-deploy-plugin maven-enforcer maven-gpg-plugin maven-help-plugin maven-idea-plugin maven-install-plugin maven-invoker-plugin maven-jar-plugin maven-javadoc-plugin maven-plugin-tools maven-pmd-plugin maven-resources-plugin maven-shade-plugin maven-site-plugin maven-source-plugin maven-surefire maven-war-plugin