Hi Community,

I am using the install wiki https://fedorahosted.org/katello/wiki/Install to install Katello 1.4 with Foreman on clean Centos6.4.

Brief steps:

1. el repo
2. Katello repo
3. Subscription manager repo
4. yum install -y katello-foreman-all
5. katello-configure (without errors)

Katello seems to be working fine. I also have one Katello client and can update its packages, repositories, etc.  However I struggle with Foreman. There no smarty proxies configured out fo the box and I can not add a localhost-proxy using usual 8443 port.


At first I get the following error:

Unable to save
  • Unable to communicate with the proxy: No such file or directory - /etc/foreman/client_cert.pem
  • Please check the proxy is configured and running on the host.

  • If I copy the candlepin certificates and name them accordingly: client_ca.pem  client_cert.pem  client_key.pem, I receive another error:

    Unable to save
  • Unable to communicate with the proxy: 400 Bad Request
  • Please check the proxy is configured and running on the host.

  • Stragely do not see  the puppetmasterd binary.
    [root@katello1.4 certs]# which puppetmasterd
    /usr/bin/which: no puppetmasterd in (/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin)

    Do I miss some installation steps? Do I have to install Puppetmaster before I run "yum install -y katello-foreman-all"?

    What are the benefits of Katello-Foreman integration? I mean I could install Foremann separately from Foreman repos. Would you recommend Katello with Foreman integration or independant Katello and Foreman installs?

    Thank You,