This list is pretty quiet at the moment as one the MDP2 program comes to a conclusion and (I hope) MDP3 is roudn the corner.
My take on question 2 - there is work going on in Foreman ( to integrate FreeIPA as an authentication layer if that's what you use.  This looks more like pre-creation of system objects and setting OTP's though.  For auto-sign of puppet clients, I've seen the following page (although I've not got as far as trying out the FreeIPA certs for Foreman & Puppet myself yet).

From: [] On Behalf Of Andrew Lau
Sent: 02 March 2014 22:05
Subject: Katello with freeipa?

Hi guys,

Two quick questions:

1. Are there any full diagram overviews of the katello process? I'm interested in getting a better understanding of the whole life cycle of a server process with katello.

2. Is it possible to use the freeipas ca for the whole ca process? Ie. With foreman/puppet, we grab a unique ca during the kick start process so when puppetrun comes around we already have a cert.


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