Folks, I've got a strange one, been going on few days - I've been tracking -testing and since today plasma-unstable on F23.
I've got a secondary monitor, rotated left, with a comic plasmoid on it. everything is laggy and slow on this one, the progress circle shows at ~.5 FpS, the tooltip takes 2 sec to come up, the hold-to-configure thingy more than that, hover-on buttons also. If I put it back on the primary monitor it works OK. Tested with a couple of others and they are similarly painful. I hoped that It would somehow come back with update to 5.6b, but it isn't happening :-)
Anybody seeing this on a similar setup ?
(On other news, in 5.6b panel on left border is broken again: maximized windows gets behind or in front, but not besides, whatever the settings.)