On Monday 04 August 2014 14:55:12 Daniel Vratil wrote:

> Hi,


> my experience with this kind of errors from MySQL/MariaDB is that adding 


> innodb_force_recovery = 3


> option to mysql.conf usually helps. Then just start Akonadi, which should fix 

> whatever MySQL is unhappy about, then stop Akonadi, remove the option from 

> mysql.conf, start Akonadi again and everything should work.


> Note that you can't run Akonadi with innodb_force_recovery normally, as it 

> makes the database read-only, so the start-stop cycle is only needed to start 

> MySQL. You can also just start MySQL manually, but I can't remember the 

> arguments from top of my head.



> Dan


It would be nice to have these tips in some place.


Just like your tip to increase innodb_buffer_pool_size, I have increased it to 256M and the performance has improved for me in this laptop.


In any case thank your for your prompt reply. :-)


José Abílio