On Thu, Apr 15, 2021 at 4:53 PM José Abílio Matos jamatos@fc.up.pt wrote:
For a long time I have a script in ~/.config/autostart-scripts/ksshaskpass
#!/bin/sh export SSH_ASKPASS=/usr/bin/ksshaskpass ssh-add xxxxx_key < /dev/null
For F34 this is not working out of the box.
That is after entering the plasma session using ssh always asks for the pass phrase. On the other hand if I run the last line directly, after the startup stage, then the agent is added and it works from there.
It almost looks like that kwallet it is not opened when the autostart script runs.
I've been doing this with a systemd user unit. There's some good detail on how to make and use systemd user units on the Arch Wiki: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/systemd/User
BTW in terms of F34 I have two other small nags. The first is that some windows forget their placement and are sent to the first desktop when booting.
Can you file bug reports upstream on the KDE Bugzilla? I know there's a whole bunch of quality-of-life fixes coming with the next bug fix release and even more with 5.22 coming in June.
The other issue is that, at least for this account, plasma (wayland) freezes the machine while gnome (wayland) works. Although it had some issues there was no freeze in Fedora 33.
Where can I find further informations to debug these issues?
The major change between F33 and F34 is the newer Mesa. There may be details in the systemd journal of the nature of the freezes, as most of the logging goes into there.