On Friday 30 January 2009 19:04:53 Rex Dieter wrote:
Anne Wilson wrote:
Rex, some time ago you told me the best way to start gpg-agent under Fedora. Unfortunately I can't find the message, and I have problems with agent on the F10 netbook and the newly repaired CentOS 5.2 box. If you could tell me again I'll make sure that it is easily found - a gpg page has been started on userbase, so I could put it there.
Here's what we use: https://fedorahosted.org/kde-settings/browser/trunk/etc/kde/env/gpg-agent-s tartup.sh https://fedorahosted.org/kde-settings/browser/trunk/etc/kde/shutdown/gpg-ag ent-shutdown.sh
gnupg2's packaging in epel currently includes these too, but I'm waffling on whether to continue that or not (we went away from that in fedora awhile ago, in favor of support in the kde-settings pkg).
Thanks, Rex. And these go in the user's .kde/env and .kde/shutdown directories? The 'eval' starter and 'shutdown' scripts I used long ago in those directories don't seem to work with more modern distros.