Looks like the kdepim "split up the monolithic package" job is incomplete, though I still can't explain some of the new deps, kopete should have pulled in kdepim-libs (and kdepim) already before this latest update.
-- Rex
________________________________________ From: on behalf of Reindl Harald Sent: Friday, January 30, 2015 8:23 AM To: Subject: Re: updates-testing pulls kdepim
hope that helps:
the horrible copy&paste of "yum remove" is likely which makes me tired for many years now always c&p from konsole to a textfile, re-open it after save with kate (configured to strip witespaces at the end of lines) and then from there paste into email or whatever
Am 30.01.2015 um 14:56 schrieb Rex Dieter:
It shouldn't be, mind filing a bug? (and attaching the yum output there).
If you've already installed it, can you try removing all that below to see what else gets dragged out with it? It should help identify where the new dependency came from.
-- Rex
Reindl Harald wrote:
why is KDEPIM now a dependency?
i tried to post the whole yum output but that post is under moderation
Message body is too big: 46501 bytes with a limit of 40 KB 40 KB? seriously?
Installing for dependencies: baloo-akonadi boost-thread gnupg2-smime grantlee kaddressbook-libs kdepim-common kdepim-libs kdepim-runtime kdepim-runtime-libs khotkeys khotkeys-libs kinfocenter kleopatra kmail kmail-libs kmenuedit knotes knotes-libs libkfbapi libkgapi libkolab libkolabxml libksba pinentry-qt python-lockfile spambayes xerces-c
kde mailing list New to KDE4? - get help from
Reindl Harald the lounge interactive design GmbH A-1060 Vienna, Hofmühlgasse 17 CTO / CISO / Software-Development m: +43 (676) 40 221 40, p: +43 (1) 595 3999 33 icq: 154546673,
Am 30.01.2015 um 16:02 schrieb Rex Dieter:
Looks like the kdepim "split up the monolithic package" job is incomplete, though I still can't explain some of the new deps, kopete should have pulled in kdepim-libs (and kdepim) already before this latest update.
uhm why should kopete pull kdepim?
kopete works here fine with our Jabber-server, ICQ and Facebookchat for weeks on completly kdepim-free setups!
From: on behalf of Reindl Harald Sent: Friday, January 30, 2015 8:23 AM To: Subject: Re: updates-testing pulls kdepim
hope that helps:
the horrible copy&paste of "yum remove" is likely which makes me tired for many years now always c&p from konsole to a textfile, re-open it after save with kate (configured to strip witespaces at the end of lines) and then from there paste into email or whatever
Am 30.01.2015 um 14:56 schrieb Rex Dieter:
It shouldn't be, mind filing a bug? (and attaching the yum output there).
If you've already installed it, can you try removing all that below to see what else gets dragged out with it? It should help identify where the new dependency came from.
-- Rex
Reindl Harald wrote:
why is KDEPIM now a dependency?
i tried to post the whole yum output but that post is under moderation
Message body is too big: 46501 bytes with a limit of 40 KB 40 KB? seriously?
Installing for dependencies: baloo-akonadi boost-thread gnupg2-smime grantlee kaddressbook-libs kdepim-common kdepim-libs kdepim-runtime kdepim-runtime-libs khotkeys khotkeys-libs kinfocenter kleopatra kmail kmail-libs kmenuedit knotes knotes-libs libkfbapi libkgapi libkolab libkolabxml libksba pinentry-qt python-lockfile spambayes xerces-c