From: GitLab Security Bot on
<!-- policy_violation_comment --> <!-- violated_reports: scan_finding --> <!-- optional_approvals: scan_finding -->
Tomas Henzl, this merge request has policy violations and errors.
- Resolve all violations in the following merge request approval policies: SAST. - Resolve the errors and re-run the pipeline.
Consider including optional reviewers based on the policy rules in the MR widget.
:exclamation: **Errors**
- Pipeline configuration error: Security reports required by policy `SAST` could not be found. - Pipeline configuration error: Security reports required by policy `SAST` could not be found.
:information_source: **Comparison pipelines**
- Target branch (`os-build`): None - Source branch (`disable_aacraid`): [#1415987254]( project/kernel-ark/-/pipelines/1415987254)